Dairy matters: Inspiring stories on dairy development in Kenya : Eighteen case studies from SNV's Kenya Market-led Dairy...
The aim of this thesis was to develop a sustainable low cost breeding program for Nile tilapia that addresses both genetic and economic aspects of smallholder fish farmers in Kenya. First, Analytical Hierarchy Process Technique was used to define a breeding goal based on farmer’s preferences for traits. Farmers’ preferences for traits differed sign...
Growing awareness of widespread hunger and poverty in many countries in the SSA is spurring a focus on productivity increase in smallholder farming systems. The rationale is that with current production systems many SSA countries are not keeping pace with population growth and changing of peoples’ lifestyles. To respond to this challenge the Govern...
The world population is anticipated to be around 9.1 billion in 2050 and the challenge is how to feed this huge number of people without affecting natural ecosystems. Different approaches have been proposed and closing the ‘yield gap’ on currently available agricultural lands is one of them. The concept of ‘yield gap’ is based on production ecologi...
De provincie Limburg heeft Wageningen UR gevraagd om een aanzet te maken voor een Kennis- en Innovatieagenda (KIA) voor de vollegrondstuinbouw, met daarin drie concrete kansen voor projectinitiatieven die passen binnen de POP3 kaders. Daarnaast was de vraag wat Wageningen UR vanuit ervaringen met innovatieprojecten met agrarische ondernemers zou wi...
Taking into consideration the population growth, farmers are challenged to produce enough to feed the population. To increase productivity, normally small dairy farmers intensify their production systems by increasing livestock density and inputs, but inadequate management results in economic, technical, and environmental inefficiencies. This work ...
ABSTRACT In response to increasing demand for meat, Indonesia’s government has been implementing crossbreeding with European beef breeds to improve the meat production of local cattle. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the benefits and consequences of crossbreeding in smallholder cattle farming systems in Madura and Central Ja...
This study evaluates the impact of the UTZ-Solidaridad cocoa programme in Ghana , by comparing the situation of a sample of farmers from six projects in 2014 with their situation in 2011, and by comparing the development over time for certified and uncertified farmers. We also analysed the programme’s inclusiveness and shed light on the effect of U...
Although Integrated Soil Fertility is on the map for decades, the real implementation at farm level does not take off, with associated consequences of soil nutrient mining and insecure agricultural production. A different approach is therefore needed to monitor and evaluate current land use at farm level. We present here the M&E-tool MonQI that can...
Het project N2Africa is onlangs de tweede fase ingegaan met als doel dat in 2020 een half miljoen kleine boeren in Afrika, ten zuiden van de Sahara, stikstofbinding hebben geïntegreerd in hun bedrijfsvoering. Op een manier die hen past, zegt Ken Giller. Stikstofbinding verbetert de bodemvruchtbaarheid, terwijl de teelt van bonen, die samen met bact...