de Ruig, W.G.
Het Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale is een tweejaarlijks congres, gewijd aan spectroscopische technieken, zowel atomaire als moleculaire spectrometrie. Dit rapport geeft een verslag van het 27e congres, dat in juni 1991 in Bergen (Noorwegen) werd gehouden.
van Mierlo, C.
1H NMR techniques have been applied for a thorough study of the uncrystallizable Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin in its three redox states. The aim of the research project described in this thesis was to obtain answers regarding questions concerning the redox potential regulation of FMN by the protein and the observed activation barrier occurring b...
Donker, H.C.W. Huf, F.A.
Uit een eerste inventarisatie van de mogelijke toepassingen van NMR technieken ten behoeve van het onderzoek van DLO blijkt dat NMR een grote bijdrage kan leveren aan allerlei onderzoeken. Met NMR technieken kunnen waarschijnlijk hoogwaardige kwaliteitsparameters gedefinieerd worden voor verschillende grondsoorten, land- en tuinbouwprodukten en and...
Reinders, J.E.A. van As, H. Schaafsma, T.J. Sheriff, D.W.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to investigate the effects of changes in root temperature, of changes in the area of root in contact with culture solution and of day/night rhythm on the water balance of a cucumber and a gherkin plant. Results are discussed in terms of water potential, flow rate and resistance using a previously presented ...
Reinders, J.E.A.
Water is one of the most important constituents of a plant. It is the medium in which many biological reactions take place and nutrients are transported throughout the plant in aqueous solutions. Because it serves as a hydrogen donor In photosynthesis water can be considered as one of the building blocks of the plant structure. Water plays an essen...
Vervoort, J.
High resolution 13C, 15N, 17O and 31P NMR techniques have been applied to study the structure of free and protein-bound flavins. These techniques yield information on the molecular and sub-molecular level and hence on the mechanism by which the flavin coenzyme is tuned to its specific function. A large part of the thesis deals with the interaction ...
Benthem, L.
Tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) molecules have been linked together to form dimers, using two positions of the phenyl groups at which the linking chain, which consisted mostly of 5 atoms, is attached (ortho or para position). The resulting dimers have different relative orientations of the porphyrin macrocycles w.r.t. each other and different centre-to-...
van Schagen, C.G.
The subject of this thesis is the application of high resolution NMR techniques to study the structure of free and protein-bound flavins. The main part of the thesis deals with low molecular weight flavoproteins, especially with the flavodoxins from M.elsdenii and A.vinelandii. The model studies served as a basis for the interpretation of the corre...
van As, H.
This Thesis describes the application of a non-destructive pulsed proton NMR method mainly to measure water transport in the xylem vessels of plant stems and in some model systems. The results are equally well applicable to liquid flow in other biological objects than plants, e.g. flow of blood and other body fluids in human and animals (Chapter 8)...
de Wit, J.L.
This Thesis describes the application of conventional 13 C and 1 H high resolution Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic resonance (HR FT NMR) to Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) and its protein oligo- and polymers and some other largebiological systems. The rod-like (TMV) consists of 2200 identical protein subunits protecting one RNA chain (molecular weigh...