Fond, Bastien Keller, Reiner
Si l’Allemagne est aujourd’hui la troisième puissance éolienne mondiale et la première puissance européenne, ses parcs éoliens font l’objet de vives critiques, notamment pour leurs ravages sur les oiseaux, victimes des pales des turbines. Dans ce contexte controversé, un rapace appelé le milan royal ( Milvus milvus) – ou Rotmilan en allemand – est ...
Tsayem Demaze, Moise Chartier, Angéline
Des recherches bibliographiques effectuées en 2019 montrent qu’au cours de ces dernières années, la géographie, jusque-là discrète dans les publications scientifiques sur la transition énergétique, ne l’est plus, une géographie de la transition énergétique ayant émergé. L’analyse de la bibliographie met en évidence trois principaux champs d’investi...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...