Taddei, Alice Bindi, Luca Lepore, Giovanni O. Skogby, Henrik Bonazzi, Paola
Published in
American Mineralogist
Hydropyrochlore, ideally (H2O,□)2Nb2(O,OH)6(H2O), is a cubic mineral (space group Fd3m, a = 10.56–10.59 Å, Z = 8) belonging to the pyrochlore supergroup (general formula: A2–mB2X6–wY1–n). The K-rich variety of this species is unique to the Lueshe syenitic-carbonatitic deposit (D.R. Congo), where it occurs as the alteration product of primary (Ca,Na...
Ito, Azusa Thirunavukkarasu, Gnanavel Hriljac, Joseph A.
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry
Magnetised zeolite A, zeolite X and Na,K-CHA composites with superparamagnetic nanoparticles of SiO2-coated Fe3O4 or CoFe2O4 ferrite spinels were prepared, characterised and tested for ion exchange efficacy. They were synthesised by following three steps, synthesising Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles by a solvothermal method, coating the metal oxide...
chukanov, nikita v. aksenov, sergey m.
This review contains data on a wide class of microporous materials with frameworks belonging to the sodalite topological type. Various methods for the synthesis of these materials, their structural and crystal chemical features, as well as physical and chemical properties are discussed. Specific properties of sodalite-related materials make it poss...
Luo, Na Ma, Hao Zhang, Tao Wu, Jiajing Chen, Zheng-Jie Xu, Minwei Sun, Yuanmiao Peng, Jing
Published in
2D Materials
Designing two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnetic materials with high Curie temperature is urgent for the development of spintronic technology. The exploration of non-van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnetic nanosheets play a vital role in enriching the 2D ferromagnetic materials family on account of the scarcity of vdW materials in nature. Herein, we report a...
Pacek, Sara
Industrijske odpadne vode so glavni vir onesnaževanja okolja s težkimi kovinami, ki škodujejo človeškemu zdravju. Te kovine, med katere sodijo kadmij, cink, nikelj, baker, živo srebro in arzen, so nagnjene h kopičenju v organizmih in povzročajo številne negativne vplive na okolje. Tako se raziskujejo in razvijajo tehnologije za čim boljšo obdelavo ...
Ahsan, S A Fahmi, M A Rohman, A Jakah, Dida, E N Rusydi, A F
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Water quality in water bodies is deteriorating due to human activities such as industries, agriculture, and households. These activities have been reported to increase the levels of nitrogen species in water bodies, including ammonium (NH4+). Various processes have been used to reduce NH4+ concentration in water, including adsorption and ion exchan...
Peng, Yaru Hu, Wei Niu, Xi-Zhi
Published in
Environmental Research Communications
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aqueous environment attracted prodigious attention due to the deleterious effects and environmental persistence. Many studies suggested that adsorption is an economical and efficient method to remove PFAS and a variety of adsorbents were developed. However, few adsorbents were conveniently applicable in...
guangqian, li ruiling, du cao, zhanfang changxin, li xue, jianrong xin, ma wang, shuai
Graphene-based adsorbents show great potential for application in the field of environmental pollution treatment due to their unique two-dimensional structure, high specific surface area, and tunable surface chemistry. This paper reviews the research on the application of graphene and its derivatives as novel adsorbents in the field of wastewater t...
tapia, jaime quintriqueo, angélica hernández, josé
This manuscript describes molybdenum recovery from copper Pregnant Leaching Solutions (PLSs) in the copper oxide mining industry with high contents of chloride ions. This product was recovered from the copper leaching pond solutions of the Chilean National Copper Mining Corporation (CODELCO) using the ion exchange process. This process recovered mo...
qin, zhifeng jin, xi yang, zhen xin, yuntao liu, weizao
The effective recovery of gallium from wastewater discharge in the Bayer process is promising for the long-term development of gallium resources. The adsorption and desorption behavior of gallium (Ga), vanadium (V), and aluminum (Al) ions on a strong acidic styrene cation exchange resin (JK resin) from a simulated Bayer solution was systematically ...