Barman, Abhijit Kumar Chakraborty, Ashis Goswami, Adrijit Banerjee, Parthasarathi De, Pijus Kanti
Published in
RAIRO - Operations Research
Academicians and practitioners have focused a lot of attention on the separate issues of pricing and inventory control in a competitive setting. However, integrating these choices in a competitive environment has received scant attention for deteriorating inventory systems from academics despite being crucial to practitioners. From this perspective...
Louz, Elhassan Rais, Jamila Barakat, Ahmed Barka, Abdellah Ait Nadem, Samir
Published in
Quaestiones Geographicae
The Ait Attab syncline, in the southwestern part of the Moroccan Central High Atlas (CHA), is a vast basin characterised by an exceptional geodiversity illustrating the complete sedimentary series in the CHA. This series offers the opportunity to study regional palaeogeography, transgressive and regressive megasequences, Jurassic-Cretaceous volcani...
Soltani, Roumaissa Nouri, Nada Lazli, Amel
Published in
Ekológia (Bratislava)
Our study was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 at the Mekhada marsh, a wetland of international importance, located in northeastern Algeria. This site hosts large concentrations of waterbirds in winter, including waders. Through this investigation in the region, we proposed to characterise and analyse the population structure of this g...
Thiery, Y Rault, C Colas, B Premaillon, M Nachbaur, A Aertgerts, G Dondin, F Schuller, L Aunay, B Legendre, Y
A large diversity of poorly known and damaging landslides are located in French overseas tropical territories. These mountainous territories present a large variety of heterogeneous, juxtaposed or overlapping, often highly weathered materials (i.e. volcanic, volcano-sedimentary or metamorphic) particularly susceptible to landslides. French overseas...
rousou;, maria
The diversity and distribution of polychaetes in the coastal area and the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus is presented based on both the literature records and new data acquired in a wide range of environmental monitoring programmes and research projects. A total of 585 polychaete species belonging to 49 families were reported in Cyprus waters; among...
koutenský, martin
Obsahom práce je postup rozširovania existujúcej aplikácie Recipeo. Aplikácia sa zaoberá varením a receptami. Rozšírenie pridáva funkcie zdieľania receptov a inventáru, aby išlo aj o pomocníka v domácnosti. Práca začína analýzou požiadavkov, pokračuje návrhom zmien a ďalej rieši konkrétne implementačné problémy. Aplikácia je písaná vo Vue.js s back...
Lestrelin, Guillaume Jaouadi, Rahma
This working paper presents the results of an inventory of agroecology-related initiatives implemented in Tunisia since 1999. A total of 26 different initiatives were analyzed through a rapid review of grey literature, scientific papers as well as electronic resources found on project/organization websites. The review highlights a fairly significan...
Pinault, Lise Pilloix, Malo Bernard, Grégory Joly, Daniel Gogo, Sébastien Martin, Elsa Gilbert, Daniel
Fifty per cent of European peatlands are in a damaged state. While intact peatlands are natural carbon sinks, degraded sites release important amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Restoration of the hydrological functionality of peatlands has proved to be an efficient tool to avoid these emissions. In Fra...
赤石, 大輔
Vieira, Thiago Bernardi Correia, Letícia Lima Pena, Simone Almeida Gomes-Almeida, Brenda K. Urbieta, Gustavo Lima Graciolli, Gustavo Palheta, Leandra Rose Caçador, Antônio Wesley Barros M S Aguiar, Ludmilla
Published in
Bats provide essential ecosystem services and some are cave dependent. Caves favour the association of bats with ectoparasite Diptera, however, they are poorly sampled in the Amazon biome. Here we present the first description of a community of bats and bat flies from the largest sandstone cave in Brazil, the Planaltina cave, located in the municip...