Fredriksson, Maja Axelsson, Linnea
För att världen ska bli mer socialt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt hållbar till år 2030 skapade FN de globala målen. En omställning till cirkulär ekonomi är nödvändig för att nå de globala målen. Cirkulär ekonomi innebär att resurser används i effektiva cirkulära flöden och ersätter jungfruligt material. Cirkulära flöden kan minska den stora material...
Régen, Isabelle Einaudi, Silvia Fathy, Noémie Le Roux, Joëlle Poiati Filho, Edson
International audience
Aguirre Rincón, Soterraña
Este artículo se ocupa de la recepción de la música de Cristóbal de Morales en la efervescente villa de Valladolid durante las décadas de los años 30 y 40 del siglo XVI, periodo que abarca los años previos a su establecimiento en Roma (1535) así como los inmediatamente posteriores a su definitivo regreso a España (1545). Se basa en cuatro testimoni...
Zhang, Wenyue Yu, Wenjing Wei, Baojian Dong, Qianni Zhang, Aihua
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Objective This study aims to develop and validate the Posttraumatic Cognitive Appraisal Inventory (PTCAI) for accidental trauma survivors. Method Based on interviews and expert feedback, the initial item pool was generated for the Negative Cognitive Appraisal Inventory of Loss and Feeling Threatened, and the Positive Cognitive Appraisal Inventory o...
Nduwimana, André Habonayo, Richard Habonimana, Bernadette Ndorere, Vénérand Kaboneka, Salvator Bogaert, Jan
peer reviewed / The widespread adoption of eucalyptus for reforestation schemes and its rapid spread into village plots in Burundi are attracting severe criticism. Policy decisions, although contested, are at risk of undermining reforestation efforts in a country whose natural landscape only survives in protected areas. The aim of this study is to ...
Budden, Aaron K Song, Sophia Henry, Amanda Wakefield, Claire E Abbott, Jason A
Published in
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica
Performing surgical procedures is a recognized source of stress for surgeons. Vocational stress is an important contributor to performance, patient care, and burnout with dispositional and environmental factors contributing. Accurately assessing surgeon stress is critical to measuring effectiveness of stress reduction programs. The primary aim was ...
Pawłowicz, Joanna A. Skotnicka-Siepsiak, Aldona Serrat, Carles
Published in
Construction of Optimized Energy Potential Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym
Buildings are often complex and hindered by identifying and measuring deformation in both the building itself and its elements. However, we have the assistance of 3D laser scanning technology which allows us to collect geometric data. Scanners are particularly effective for measuring high and hard-to-reach locations. This paper focuses on the measu...
Milesi-Gaches, David Pierre
This study presents the initial findings of a pilot intertidal inventory conducted on Vigur Island, Iceland. The primary focus was to identify the flora species present in the intertidal zone, without delving into their distribution or coverage. Using transect and scanning methods, this inventory provides insights into the biodiversity of this coas...
Pfannerstill, Eva Arata, Caleb Zhu, Qindan Schulze, Benjamin Woods, Roy Harkins, Colin Schwantes, Rebecca McDonald, Brian Seinfeld, John Bucholtz, Anthony
Los Angeles is a major hotspot for ozone and particulate matter air pollution in the United States. Ozone and PM2.5 in this region have not improved substantially for the past decade, despite a reduction in vehicular emissions of their precursors, NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This reduction in traditional sources has made the current ...
Hong, Tacye
My PhD thesis consists of 4 papers that analyse uncertainty, specifically trade policy uncertainty, by examining its best measurement and its impacts on firms’ international and domestic operations. The first paper, “Improving the Trade Policy Uncertainty Index”, studies how best to measure trade policy uncertainty. I show that Baker et al.’s (2016...