Denux, Olivier
Cet article présente l'inventaire commenté des 50 espèces de Coléoptères Cerambycidae que j'ai répertoriées entre 1997 et 2004 sur le territoire du Parc naturel régional du Perche.
Guigue, Michèle
RésuméConduire une recherche dans un univers familier, comme c’est le cas dans des démarches mises en œuvre par des professionnels du domaine et du terrain étudiés, suppose de mettre à l’écart des évidences aveuglantes, des savoirs encombrants. Pour ce faire, des classiques de la sociologie prônent « l’ignorance méthodique » tout en en reconnaissan...
Wilson, L. J. Bacon, P. J. Bull, J. Dragosits, U. Mcdonald, A. G. Blackall, T. D. Dunn, T. E. Hamer, K. C. Sutton, M. A. Wanless, S.
Published in
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus
Simple bioenergetics models were used to derive annual nitrogen excretion rates of each seabird species occurring at colonies in the UK. These were combined with population distribution data and an estimated fraction of nitrogen volatilized to estimate the spatial distribution of NH3 emissions from seabird colonies at a 1 km resolution. The effect ...
Bai, Ruibin
This thesis is concerned with real-world shelf space allocation problems that arise due to the conflict of limited shelf space availability and the large number of products that need to be displayed. Several important issues in the shelf space allocation problem are identified and two mathematical models are developed and studied. The first model d...
Magnusson, William E. Lima, Albertina P. Luizão, Regina Luizão, Flávio Costa, Flávia R. C. Castilho, Carolina Volkmer de Kinupp, V. F.
Our objectives were to develop a method that would be appropriate for long-term ecological studies, but that would permit rapid surveys to evaluate biotic complementarity and land-use planning in Amazonia. The Amazon basin covers about 7 million km². Therefore, even a sparse coverage, with one sample site per 10.000 km², would require about 700 sam...
Calastrenc, Carine Rendu, Christine
Cette campagne de prospection inventaire s'est déroulée dans le cadre d'une convention pluripartite entre le Parc National des Pyrénées, les Services Régionaux de l'Archéologie Aquitaine et Midi-Pyrénées, l'INRAP, le laboratoire de Chronoécologie (UMR 6565 CNRS - Université de Besançon) et le laboratoire FRAMESPA (UMR 5136 CNRS - Université Toulous...
Tanaka, Keiichi
The inventory positions of two risk-averse market makers are introduced into a Kyle (1985) type batch trading model and the effects analyzed. An equilibrium is defined including participation constraints and incentive compatibility and is characterized as a γ-coalitional equilibrium. At equilibrium, the two market makers share the risk of clearing ...
Li, Y.F. Venkatesh, S. Li, D.
Published in
Environmental Modeling & Assessment
A major portion of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), in which carbon and chlorine are combined. During the last decade, a number of researches have been devoted to create emission inventories of OCPs at regional and global scales. The studies on residue inventories of OCPs, however, are sparse. In the absence...
Yao, Ming-Jong
Published in
Annals of Operations Research
This study presents a comprehensive analysis on the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) without capacity constraints. We explore the optimality structure of the ELSP without capacity constraints and discover that the curve for the optimal objective values is piecewise convex with repsect to B, i.e., the values of basic period. The theoretical pr...
van Groenigen, J.W. Velthof, G.L. van der Bolt, F.J.E. Vos, A. Kuikman, P.J.
Urine patches in pastures rank among the highest sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) from animal production systems. Previous laboratory studies indicate that N2O emissions for urine-N in pastures may increase with a factor five or eight in combination with soil compaction and dung, respectively. These combinations of urine, compactio...