Lönn, Jennifer Arjmandi, Indira
Immigrant men often appear in discussions about crime and exclusion in the Swedish social debate. The purpose of this study was therefore to illustrate voices from individuals who have experiences of exclusion in relation to immigration to Sweden and establishment in Swedish society. Immigrant men’s experiences of exclusion and in-betweenness have ...
Mohamed, Sham Haidar, Sara
Att använda digitala verktyg i språkutbildningen för nyanlända äldre kvinnor kan vara utmanande på grund av språkliga, kulturella och tekniska begränsningar. Denna studie syftar därför till att identifiera och undersöka vilka särskilda utmaningar som kan uppstå vid digital språkutbildning för SFI-elever. Genom att undersöka deras upplevelser och hi...
Pouyandeh, Arian Jasarevic, Dino
Bakgrund: Vistelse i natur kan bidra med psykiska och fysiska hälsoeffekter. Förstag enerationens invandrare är en folkgrupp som visar sig vara underrepresenterad gällande utövandet av svenskt friluftsliv. Genom ett större engagemang samt inkludering av denna folkgrupp kan svenskt friluftsliv visa sig vara fördelaktigt genom ökade känslor av tillhö...
Ahlstrand, Ellinor
The aim of this thesis is to gain a greater understanding of how the public library’s mission towards foreign-born users in Sweden has reformulated and developed through time. This is done by a comparative study on official texts from the 1970s and the 2010s. The thesis is based on a discourse analytical perspective and is focused on how the texts ...
Löfstedt, Rebecca
The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify underlying problems in newspaper representation of integration and labor market. My media analysis includes articles published in 2018-2022. The purpose of this is to get as nuanced picture as possible. This thesis uses theories that individually or jointly help define and answer problems in ...
Fredriksson Rapp, Emma Lugnehav, Maria
This study aims to examine how identity creation in young women is affected by living in an in-betweenship state. In addition, with the help of our interviewees' stories, we also want to highlight the advantages and disadvantages that the women themselves see in this phenomenon. The purpose of the study is to examine how women who experience in-bet...
Parmar, Ramandeep Fekre, Ibrahim
This thesis presents a quantitative study of trust in the police amongst first and second-generation immigrants in Sweden. Previous research suggests that the most socio-economically vulnerable groups in society trust the police the least. People with immigrant backgrounds tend to a larger extent belong to these groups. Yet, few studies have examin...
Jonasson, Ida
The aim of this study was to find out which functions of a language café in Karlskrona have for its participants and how it can help them with their integration process. At the language café immigrants and natives meet to talk and socialize together, with the idea that the immigrants should practice the language. The study is based on interviews wi...
Ibrahim, Nor
Syftet med studien är att undersöka unga vuxna invandrares erfarenheter av primärvården. En kvalitativ ansats tillämpas för att söka en djupare förståelse för ämnet och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Genom ett snöbollsurval har informanter, bosatta i Mälardalsregionen, valts ut till studien. Informanterna är i åldr...
Aljicevic, Haris Borgstedt, Linda
The purpose of this study is to investigate from an administrator perspective how authorities integrate newly arrived to the Swedish labor market. The results are analyzed and understood by two theories, theory about Intersectionality and Goodman theory. The empirical material is based on seven interviews with people who are employed in the public ...