Carlsson, Filip
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare inom Taubman-approachen förhåller sig till att undervisa barn och unga i pianospel. Studien grundar sig på ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och en interpretativistisk kunskapssyn. Den tidigare forskningen redogör för forskning om Taubman-approachen, barns motivation och lärande samt undervisning av piano i...
Papeleu, Tine Leyns, Clara Alighieri, Cassandra Vermeeren, Amber Motmans, Joz T'Sjoen, Guy D'haeseleer, Evelien
Objectives/hypotheses: The purpose of this study was to investigate voice and communication difficulties in transmasculine individuals to develop evidence-based voice and communication training programs. Study design: Qualitative study. Methods: Eight transmasculine individuals, who had received testosterone therapy (TT) for at least 1 year, were i...
Boukharta, Ouiam-Fatiha Fabri, Fabiana Chico-Santamarta, Leticia Navas-Gracia, Luis-Manuel Sauvée, Loïc
Nowadays, there is great pressure in cities on the demand and supply of food as well as environmental needs, and where Urban Agriculture emerges in various forms to confront this situation. Indeed, Urban Agriculture is a form of agriculture, highlighting its multiple functions in ensuring food security, maintaining urban ecosystem services, and imp...
Granqvist Karlsson, Julia
In the context of ongoing inflation, a strained job market, and an increased digital presence, personal branding could increase the chances of promoting yourself to being perceived as more employable and gain job opportunities. This study examines personal branding from the perspective of communication professionals through six in-depth interviews....
Schwinges, Alexandra Lock, Irina van der Meer, Toni G.L.A. Vliegenthart, Rens
The expanding political role of Big Tech(nology) corporations has triggered concerns about the role of the media in holding corporate power to account. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of role dynamics between journalists and lobbyists toward the agenda for Big Tech’s responsibilities. Based on semi-structured interviews with Europ...
Godbold, Rosemary Whiting, Lisa Adams, Claire Chokeepermal-Naidu, Yogini
Published in
Journal of clinical nursing
To explore the experiences of nursing students in England who had worked through the first wave and transitioned to qualification in the ongoing pandemic. Experiences of health professionals and student nurses during the pandemic are now well documented, but the transition of students to qualification is less well understood. In Summer 2020, we int...
Eriksson, Alexander
Wasaline is a shipping company that has automated their check-in process for trucks carrying cargo. This increased effectiveness and provided a better experience for drivers. To make sure that the new system was as effective as possible, the user experience of the check-in automats also had to be as good as possible. Their design, usability, and pe...
Theobald, Maryanne Danby, Susan Thompson, Catherine Thorpe, Karen
This chapter investigates friendships and children's wellbeing in the early years of schooling. Having a friend, and being a friend, are closely connected to children's health and wellbeing in the early years. Friendships safeguards children from social isolation and is associated with academic attainment and social success. In early childhood, chi...
Alexandersson, Joel Choura, Lucia
This thesis explores the integration of gamification into the Software Development Process (SDP) at Saab, a defense and aerospace company. The thesis aims to address some of the complexities of the SDP standard used in the industry, DO-178C. The research primarily focuses on how gamification principles can enhance the usability of software developm...
Edling, Silvia Francia, Guadalupe Bourbour, Maryam Masoumi, Davoud Gill, Peter
Rapporten är en sammanställning av en studie beställd av en kommun med syfte att få en ökad förståelse för varför förhållandevis många flickor på mellanstadiet i kommunen upplever sig mer utsatta än pojkar. Studien tar fasta på forskning som visar på att det inte finns starka biologiska förklaringar till eventuella skillnader mellan könen, vilket p...