Macé, Caroline
Published in
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity
Although the Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila is set in Alexandria under the Patriarchate of Cyril (first half of the 5th century), scholars have attempted to identify an earlier version of the text, dating it to the 3d century. This alleged earlier version, however, is not extant as such, and the present article will show that the author of the Dial...
Solans, Alexandre
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’incidence sur l’œuvre de Pascal Quignard de l’image bergsonienne de l’« élan vital ». Elle entend montrer que le concept de « jadis », qui forme depuis la fin des années 1990 le cœur de la pensée de l’écrivain, trouve ses origines dans la métaphysique de L’Évolution créatrice. La notion d’élan vital, qui fait l’objet d’u...
de Bont, Leslie Brasme, Isabelle Marie, Florence
May Sinclair has been typically considered as a liminal author, positioned between two eras: the 19th and the 20th centuries, Victorian culture and modernism, traditional and avant-garde writing and thinking. As a result, traditional criticism has confined her to the margins of 20th-century literature and philosophy. Re-examining Sinclair’s involve...
Evans, Daniel
Published in
The Old English poem Andreas has long been considered to be indebted both to the signed works of Cynewulf and to Beowulf. Recent studies have demonstrated Andreas’s debt to a number of other ‘Cynewulfian’ poems. This paper argues that the poet of Andreas likewise borrowed from Christ III (an earlier poem concerned with the Second Coming of Christ a...
Shakkour, Aadel
Published in
Lodz Papers in Pragmatics
This article discusses the strategy of intimidation and humiliation in Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf al-Thaqafῑ’s most famous speech delivered in the city of Kufa in Iraq in the seventh century. The linguistic devices used by Al-Ḥajjāj are analyzed by applying the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis. This approach reveals his rhetoric of intimidation, humi...
Koron, Alenka
Ena temeljnih značilnosti pripovednega opusa Lojzeta Kovačiča je rekurenca različno variiranih motivov, prizorov, podob, delov besedila ali povzemanj fragmentov lastne življenjske zgodbe iz nekega njegovega besedila v katerem od sledečih ali v celem nizu besedil. V okviru paradigme o intertekstualnosti je ponavljalno pisanje (rewriting) o lastnih ž...
Bogdanova, Olga Alimovna
Published in
Chinese Journal of Slavic Studies
В статье выявляется и анализируется ряд значимых интертекстуальных связей в романе современной российской писательницы Г.Ш. Яхиной «Дети мои» (2018. Дети мои: Роман. М.: АСТ, Редакция Елены Шубиной), восходящих к русской классике XIX – первой половины XX в. Во-первых, акцентируются параллели с мотивикой, характерологией и деталями предметной изобра...
Botero Camacho, Manuel Rodríguez Pérez, Miguel
Published in
This article establishes a connection between Ian McEwan’s Enduring Love and Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. It defends that the narrative journey of Joe Rose, protagonist of McEwan’s novel, to recover his idyllic lost love resembles Dante’s voyage through Hell and Purgatory led by Virgil to the threshold of Earthly Paradise, where he meets Beatri...
Harris, Zachary
Published in
Open Theology
Though a relatively quiet minority, some commentators since the eighth-century Bede have suggested that the notorious “666” of Revelation 13:18 alludes to the measurement of King Solomon’s excessive gold accumulation which immediately precedes his idolatrous downfall in the Biblical narrative. We now bolster that hypothesis with the observation tha...
Špacapan, Adrijana
Medbesedilnost je kot relativno nov pojem v literarni teoriji manj navzoč v srednješolski praksi. V delo s teksti je sicer posredno vstopil prek poimenovanja posameznih medbesedilnih zvrsti (npr. parodija, travestija) ali figur (npr. citat) in njihovega prepoznavanja v konkretnih primerih iz zakladnice literarnih tekstov ali odlomkov v berilih. S p...