Gianfelice, Peron
Le prologue est une partie du texte où les topoï et les références intertextuellessont particulièrement denses. Ils sont le résultat de l’inertie de la mémoire, mais ils peu-vent aussi suggérer des liens conscients entre un texte et un autre du même genre ouentre textes de genres différents. Les prologues des chansons de geste, des romans et desaut...
Munderzbakaitė, Miglė
Published in
Art History & Criticism
Adaptation research demonstrates that the narrative of a particular work may be transferred to different media and/or contexts. In the analysis of such adaptations, it is possible to observe that in the context of both cinema and theatre, the often debated discourses around the connection between literature and and its adaptations in another media,...
Mochel-Caballero, Anne-Frédérique
The Chronicles of Narnia are fantasy tales destined for children and their style is therefore clear and simple. This does not prevent them from being deep and complex, presenting the reader with multi-layered meanings, thanks to a very rich intertextuality. Among C. S. Lewis’s many sources of inspiration, Greco-Roman mythology and Plato’s philosoph...
Pardo, Céline
On relève dans l’œuvre du poète Henri Pichette quelques textes empruntant directement leur forme aux traditions orales enfantines : des comptines et des formulettes dans la version finale des Épiphanies (dont la réécriture est entamée en 1965), des « enfantines » publiées en marge de l’œuvre proprement dite (dans les Cahiers Henri Pichette en 1991 ...
Van Noorden, H
Peer reviewed: True / The hybrid cultural weave of the Sibylline Oracles is one of the most arresting aspects of a collection which preserves Judaeo-Christian compositions in Greek ranging from c. second century BCE to the seventh century CE. Reviewing world history in the form of prophecy, sketching rewards and punishments due at the end of days,...
Wójcicka, Marta
The internet meme is a multimodal speech genre functioning primarily in the Internet space, based on intertextuality, repeatedly duplicated and spread (Wójcicka 2019: 24), which mainly performs persuasive and ludic functions. The aim of the article is to analyze: 1) memes, the subject of which is the transgression of the linguistic norm by meme her...
Vierge, Marcos Andrés
Esta contribución profundiza en el largo silencio de Sinfonía en tres tiempos (1925) de Fernando Remacha (1898-1984) desde el punto de vista de su primera interpretación en concierto (2018) y su recepción crítica. De manera preliminar, se establece un marco teórico sobre Remacha para contextualizar las aportaciones de este estudio. Además, el texto...
Noheda Tirado, Carmen
El viaje a Simorgh (2007) es la cuarta ópera de José María Sánchez-Verdú (1968) y la primera donde la literatura adquiere un peso creativo determinante dentro de su amplio catálogo escénico. Compuesta por encargo del Teatro Real, El viaje a Simorgh emprende la búsqueda de una simbiosis dramático-musical que nos sirve de punto de partida para aborda...
Кураш, Сергей
The purpose of the study is to characterize the isomorphism of metaphorics and intertextuality and to identify concrete linguistic forms of intertextual metaphors, represented in the language of Russian and Belarusian poetry, mainly of the 20th century. Based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists, the problem of intertextual and intercult...
Simbor Roig, Vicent
El present article té com a objectiu analitzar amb atenció el procés de reescriptura que Maria Aurèlia Capmany va fer de la seua novel·la curta Traduït de l’americà (1959) per a transformar-la en la novel·la Ves-te’n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l’americà (1980). Hi ha, doncs, un procés d’«allargament» del text original que permet doblar-ne l’ext...