Miquel-Baldellou, Marta
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
Although Susan Hill has become a prolific writer of ghost narratives in the last decades, it was at a particularly momentous stage of her life as a woman writer that she published The Woman in Black (1983), which is considered her first ghost novel. Evoking the Victorian past, The Woman in Black engages intertextually with Victorian novels within t...
Stevanovski, Andraž
Na začetku magistrske naloge, Poezija in poetika Hrista Foteva, predstavljam kratek povzetek bolgarske literarne zgodovine, v katero uvrščam sicer kanonskega, a nič kaj raziskanega pesnika, Hrista Foteva, katerega pesmi v nadaljevanju analiziram. Nato sledi poglavje o avtorju samem – o z njim povezanemu gradivu, o njegovem zasebnem življenju, o nje...
Simbor Roig, Vicent
El present article té com a objectiu analitzar amb atenció el procés de reescriptura que Maria Aurèlia Capmany va fer de la seua novel·la curta Traduït de l’americà (1959) per a transformar-la en la novel·la Ves-te’n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l’americà (1980). Hi ha, doncs, un procés d’«allargament» del text original que permet doblar-ne l’ext...
Driss, Hager Ben
Published in
American, British and Canadian Studies
This article proposes to examine the interplay between rewriting and the text/ile metaphor in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments. The author’s predilection for intertextuality is inextricably linked to her conception of the text as a fabric and the writer as an embroiderer. Weaving, interweaving and reweaving are seamlessly tied to her acts of (re)wr...
Kynes, Will
Published in
Journal of the Bible and its Reception
A reception-oriented approach to genre will challenge the “objective” genre categories applied to the Bible by analyzing their culturally contingent place in the history of interpretation. It then gathers alternative genre groupings for the biblical texts from that history in order to comprehend the features of the texts more fully through the mult...
Jouve, Vincent
Dans le champ des théories de la lecture, les modèles constructivistes posent qu’il n’y a pas de lecture objective : chacun lit à travers ses propres références, qui vont orienter de façon décisive la compréhension du texte lu. Mais ce qui est légitime pour la lecture (acte personnel à la subjectivité assumée) l’est-il pour la critique (pratique pr...
Ramond, Sophie
Published in
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Le scénario du Ps 79 réfère à la ruine de Jérusalem et constitue un cas d’étude pour sonder la capacité des textes bibliques à parler de la souffrance. Le style anthologique et les jeux d’intertextualités plaident pour une datation tardive du psaume et suggèrent qu’il ait pour visée de concilier différentes appréciations du cours de l’histoire et d...
Debeljak, Renata
Prispevek prikazuje pomen vzhodnoštajerskega pridigarja Antona Krempla (1790-1844), ki je s svojim vsestranskim delom vplival na razvoj šolstva in slovenskega jezika v vzhodno- štajerskem kulturnem prostoru ter se z izdajo Dogodivščin štajerske zemlje (1844) v literarno zgodovino vpisal kot prvi Slovenec, ki je napisal in izdal zgodovino Slovencev ...
Ma, James
Published in
Language and Semiotic Studies
The importance of argumentation in academic writing, while historically recognised, has arguably lost prominence alongside the rapid expansion of higher education since the early 1990s in the UK. This has been exacerbated by an increasingly prevalent technological intervention in teaching and learning processes. With this as a background, this arti...
Širok, Matija
Ecov Baudolino: srednjeveški sanjač ali odprti avtor? Diplomsko delo skuša preko analize izbranih izsekov romana Baudolino pisatelja Umberta Eca ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je koncept odprtega dela, ki ga je avtor definiral v odmevnem eseju iz leta 1962, prisoten v njegovem literarnem ustvarjanju. V prvem delu strnjeno predstavimo osnovne poteze odp...