Faus Prieto, Alfredo
En el siglo XVIII la agrimensura conoció, en España, un proceso inacabado de institucionalización que sentó las bases para su posterior desarrollo. Este proceso se inició en el antiguo Reino de Valencia y provocó la aparición sucesiva del empleo municipal y el título académico de agrimensor. En este trabajo se estudian las circunstancias que concur...
Toledo Ocampo, Ezequiel
Toledo Ocampo, Ezequiel
En este trabajo se aborda escuetamente los orígenes y los antecedentes más notables y contemporáneos de la asistencia social en México. Se describe el proceso de institucionalización y profesionalización de la misma, y la integración del DIF al Sector Salud; su proceso legal, normativo y programático, aludiendo a la importancia que las luchas socia...
Ríos Ibarra, Ramón Marcos
Transferring organizational models and practices is a common phenomenon within a dynamic organizational context that looks for efficiency and competitivity. However, adaptation and reappropriation processes are not totally satisfactory for solving local organizational problems. Organizational identity, understood as those characteristics that organ...
Arias, María Fernanda
The article examines one of the most important attempts to institutionalize Peronism in the ‘80s. Peronism was always a charismatic party when Perón was still alive. But at the onset of democratisation in the ‘80s, a group of party members coming from the political branch, as governors and legislators, developed an internal faction which tried to r...
Muñoz Guzman, Carolina Acosta González, Elaine Landon Carrillo, Paulette
Los gestores y ejecutores de políticas y reformas públicas tienen la responsabilidad de realizar intervenciones fundadas en una comprensión social compleja. En el marco actual de importantes transformaciones en la política de infancia, nos vemos frente a la posibilidad de revisar y analizar algunos de los cambios ocurridos en el área de protecció...
Leiras, Marcelo
This paper discusses some problems of the theories of party organization from the point of view of democratic theory and in the light of the recent evolution of parties in Argentina. First, five theoretical arguments about the incidence of party organization on the democratic character of representative government are analyzed. Three of them assess...
Martínez González, Víctor Hugo
This paper deals with the case of the Mexican PRD (Partido de la RevoluciónDemocrática). It studies the organizational evolution of PRD using a model ofinstitutionalizaton which diverges from classical theories and conceives theirinstitutionalization in a less strict way, as they lack formally strong structuration.The text shows the capacity of inf...
Gómez Morales, Yuri Jack
It is my aim in this contribution to submit to the readers an ethnographic approach to science policy-making focusing on the role bibliometrics accomplishes within this context. This work is based on 1996-1997 field experience when the first assessment of Colombian scientific periodical took place. / Mi objetivo en esta contribución es el de presen...
Eberle, Thomas S. Bergman, Manfred Max
This special issue presents reflections of international scholars on selected core issues of qualitative inquiry. They were produced in the context of an initiative to promote qualitative research in Switzerland, notably to build a network among qualitative researchers, to reflect on possibilities for a consensus on quality standards and teaching r...