Sarasa Camacho, Hodei
El hecho de que la adolescencia resulta una etapa en la que el apoyo del grupo de pares supone un potencial para el desarrollo psicosocial de las y los menores parece ya una afirmación suficientemente consolidada. La socialización adolescente ha sido un fenómeno “constantemente” estudiado y, de una u otra forma y con más o menos acierto, la legisla...
Colàs, Pol
Resumen: En este trabajo, trato de analizar las diferentes estrategias que adoptaron tanto la administración de José Ballivián (1841-1847) como los grupos dirigentes locales frente al auge económico del guano y la cascarilla en Bolivia de forma comparativa. Para eso, expongo el corpus legal creado por el Estado central en consecuencia, las contrata...
Canizales Vijil, Rolando de Jesús
Resumen La investigación tiene el objetivo de examinar los procesos institucionales y políticos de la sociedad hondureña desde la década de 1950 hasta la de 1980, que se relacionan con el inicio de la profesionalización del oficio de historiador y la organización de la carrera de Historia en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) en el...
Gambau Suelves, Borja López Herrera, Carmen
The recent regulatory framework approved for the institutionalization of public policy evaluation in Spain constitutes a milestone that is mandatory for improving the quality of public finances. Although the new law takes over from years of successful and failed experiences, it faces significant challenges that will determine the degree of final su...
Romero-Gonzaga, Rosalina
Resumen El artículo examina las condiciones estructurales en las que se concibió la Escuela Normal Superior de México (ENSM), a partir de su conformación, desarrollo y devenir en etapas de reformas educativas de corte nacionalista (1936-1959), un proyecto alternativo de reforma educativa (1976-1983) y reformas educativas de corte tecnocrático (1976...
Ariel Prada, Emiliano
This article focuses on the academic-institutional trajectory of Jorge Graciarena and on the conceptualization of the problem of the masses in his work. Given that his work has been little explored, an exploratory approach is carried out that seeks to systematize his sociological thought, especially in his production of the 1960s, where he early ad...
Avitia, Marcela
García Marín, Ignacio
This research analyzes the Peruvian party system between 2001 and 2022 through a longitudinal and comparative study. During this period, a very low institutionalization of the party system, growing tensions between the executive and the legislature, and progressive fragmentation and atomization of Congress stand out. This party fragmentation was re...
Caparrós Masegosa, María Dolores
The institutionalization process of the decorative arts in Spain, which began in 1897 with the inclusion of a section of this specialty within the framework of the national exhibitions of Fine Arts, culminated in 1910 when the national exhibitions of Decorative Arts were created that would be held in 1911 and 1913. While, in 1920, it appears again ...
Escobar Guillén, Gloria Carolina Ovidio Morales Calderón, Hernán
Research for design is necessary in the profession of the industrial designer, as well as in students. It becomes necessary to investigate the activity of design, that which properly nourishes the discipline. This article addresses a synthesis of the research currently in process, about the bases of the legitimacy of the profession of industrial de...