Kebe, Marko
Z razvojem informacijske tehnologije in s tem povezanim napredkom v znanosti, ki smo ga bili deležni konec dvajsetega stoletja, se ni spremenil zgolj naš vsakdan, ampak ustroj produkcijskih razmerij v celotnem gospodarstvu. Osnovna paradigma, ki ji mora država ali podjetje slediti za zagotavljanje svoje konkurenčnosti, je postala trdno vezana na po...
Macq, Hadrien
Innovation ouverte, incubateurs de start-up, hackathons, hackerspaces … Les pratiques des hackers et makers calforniens, bidouillant de nouvelles technologies dans leurs garages de la Silicon Valley, semblent s’être répandues en Europe. Les processus de recherche et de développement technologique, l’innovation, apparaissent ainsi de plus en plus ou...
Malaver Rodríguez, Florentino Vargas Pérez, Marisela
Colombia's accession to the OECD has raised positive expectations. It would induce greater international comparison of its performance in science, technology and innovation, and better policies. The text discusses the readings made possible by the OECD indicators and the European Union's Regional Innovation Index (RIS), and the evidence provided by...
Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, Beatriz Ferreiro Seoane, Francisco Jesús
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the barriers perceived by agribusiness companies in Extremadura; how these barriers influence their disposition to innovate and the type of public actions demanded by these companies in order to boost innovation. Data comes from an ad hoc survey conducted in 2013. The methodology used combines descriptive ana...
Macq, Hadrien
Over the last four decades, modes of governance of science, technology and innovation (STI) gradually shifted in new directions. First, STI governance has known a so-called ‘participatory turn’, influenced by a deliberative ideal and supposed to enrich democratic orders by including publics in STI decision-making processes. This participatory turn ...
Ben Slimane, Sonia Ramadan, Maarouf
Dans les théories économiques et de gestion, l’innovation est souvent considérée comme source de croissance. Dans une perspective d’analyse de l’innovation, sous l’angle des systèmes nationaux d’innovation (SNI), cet article tente d’expliquer les raisons de la faiblesse ainsi que de la fragmentation des SNI des pays du Maghreb. L’analyse montre une...
Joly, Pierre Benoit
In this paper we take up the call to consider research and innovation to address major contemporary societal challenges, and the need to design innovation policies that go beyond the traditional competitiveness model. We conduct a broad review of the literature to analyse the diversity of innovation models. Although the linear model of innovation r...
Grandclement, Antoine
National audience
Gomez, Terence Bafoil, François Cheong, Kee-Cheok
The debate over how far governments should intervene in economies in order to promote economic growth, a debate which from the 1980s seemed settled in favour of the neo-liberal, non-interventionist consensus, has taken on new vigour since the financial crisis of 2008 and after. Some countries, most of them in industrialised Asia, have survived the ...
Gomez, Terence Bafoil, François Cheong, Kee-Cheok
The debate over how far governments should intervene in economies in order to promote economic growth, a debate which from the 1980s seemed settled in favour of the neo-liberal, non-interventionist consensus, has taken on new vigour since the financial crisis of 2008 and after. Some countries, most of them in industrialised Asia, have survived the ...