Humbert, Marion
Les travaux réalisés sur les communautés de métiers parisiennes ont délaissé jusqu'ici une profession pourtant implantée de longue date dans la capitale : les brasseurs. Il apparaît en effet qu'au XVIIIe siècle, les contemporains considèrent la consommation de bière à Paris comme un phénomène fort peu répandu, essentiellement pour des motifs cultur...
Thomson, Warren
Published in
Journal of Asset Management
This empirical study considers the impact of market states on future industry returns. I investigate whether an industry’s past relative performance in the same market state as the current one predicts the industry’s future performance. The significant results from the new four-state dynamic model, helps substantiate the theory that certain industr...
Greco, Gaia R. Cinquegrani, Marco
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
Marine biology made in the last four decades giant leaps. Several scientific and technological breakthroughs shaped research in the marine environment. Thanks to the revelation of the enormous width and complexity of sea life, marine biotechnology began a fast path of development that involved both the public and the private domain. Although there ...
Baran, Joanna Wysokiński, Marcin Staš, David Samolejová, Andrea Lenort, Radim
Paredes Sánchez, Jose Pablo
The environmental requirements of industry have favored the synergy between energy production and environmental protection, this has allowed the use of new resources, the development of patents and transferring the necessary technology for their implementation. Technologies for bioenergy production allow overcoming certain barriers that determine t...
Tizaoui, Hamadi
Les Investissements directs étrangers (IDE) favorisent directement la croissance régionale au même titre que d’autres facteurs tels que les dotations factorielles et les infrastructures ; ils affectent également la redistribution interne des activités industrielles et accentuent l’effet d’agglomération dans certaines régions. Dans cet article, nous...
Andersson, Andreas Ferracane, Valentina Tärnblom, Elin
Frågeställning Hur ser ledares syn på motivation ut? Hur arbetar ledare med att motivera medarbetare i produktionen? Varför arbetar ledare med att motivera medarbetare i produktionen? Vilka faktorer upplever medarbetare i produktionen som främst motiverande? Syfte Syftet med studien är att ur ett ledarskaps- och medarbetarperspektiv beskriva arbets...
Andersson, Linnéa Fakhro, Hoda
Studiens syfte är att undersöka sambandet gällande hållbarhetsredovisningens påverkan på företagens finansiella lönsamhet. Studien tar även hänsyn till branschspecifika faktorer, vilket tidigare forskning saknat. För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvantitativ forskningsmetod använts. Den teoretiska referensramen består av institutionell teori, l...
Knyspel-Kopeć, Renata
Pomeranian Exhibition of Agriculture and Industry held in Grudziądz held from 26 VI–12 VII 1925, it was one of the largest exhibitions of Polish interwar period. Its purpose was to show the Polish economy on the newly reclaimed lands of Pomerania. The exhibition had a total of 56 facilities, 28 of which built the Trade Committee, and 28 private exh...
Ramírez Morán, David
The market of information technologies for use in defence is experiencing the same particularities that characterize the trade with other arms systems. Both commercial and diplomatic practices related to sensitive system contracting are arising between the different actors. Doubts about systems' reliability, the huge impact a vulnerability may pose...