edbais, ahmad hossain, mokarram
The Sustainable Development Goals 9 (known as the SDG9): Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure are crucial objectives for Kuwait since they are essential to the nation’s attempts to achieve sustainable development and economic diversification. Using the recently available literature, this research attempts to understand and investigate the curre...
Brauge, Thomas Bellay, Maylis Midelet, Graziella Soumet, Christophe
Foodborne pathogens are responsible for foodborne diseases and food poisoning and thus pose a great threat to food safety. These microorganisms can adhere to surface and form a biofilm composed of an extracellular matrix. This matrix protects bacterial cells from industrial environmental stress factors such as cleaning and disinfection operations. ...
Syamlal, Girija Dodd, Katelynn E Mazurek, Jacek M
Published in
The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma
Assess the prevalence of current asthma, asthma attacks/episodes, and asthma-related emergency room (ER) visits by industry and occupation and estimate the proportion of current asthma cases associated with employment during 2020-2021. The 2020-2021 National Health Interview Survey data for persons aged ≥18 years who were employed at any time durin...
Castellano Manrique, Samuel Rafael
La investigación tuvo como principal objetivo, contrastar lo reportado por diversos autores sobre cómo se maneja la sostenibilidad organizacional dentro del mercado laboral en esta llamada industria 4.0. Para ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, así mismo luego de dicha revisión partiendo de los autores consultados en este con...
Durand, Pierre Suchet, André
L’industrie des articles et du matériel de sport constitue l’une des dimensions importantes à comprendre dans le système des pratiques et des représentations sportives, mais surtout dans l’étude de la diffusion de ces représentations à l’ensemble de la société à travers ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler communément le sportswear. À partir de sources é...
Berbessi Fernández, Diego Alexander
Good faith as a principle of law is perhaps the one that has the greatest importance in the insurance contract, since this, being an agreement that involves the transfer of risks from one contractual party to another, implies that it is the trust between the contracting parties that is the It serves as support for said legal relationship and, in tu...
Akinmoye, Oluwambe
Published in
AUTEX Research Journal
The cluster of small- and medium-scale garment industries in Aba and Onitsha positioned Nigeria to meet her garment needs. Regrettably, the production process is encumbered with manufacturing waste, which hinders competitiveness with their international counterparts. This study identified manufacturing waste in the garment production process in the...
bampaou, michael panopoulos, kyriakos d.
Hydrogen valleys are encompassed within a defined geographical region, with various technologies across the entire hydrogen value chain. The scope of this study is to analyze and assess the different hydrogen technologies for their application within the hydrogen valley context. Emphasizing on the coupling of renewable energy sources with electroly...
warchoł, artur pęzioł, karolina baścik, marek
In recent years, the growth of digital data has been unimaginable. This also applies to geospatial data. One of the largest data types is LiDAR point clouds. Their large volumes on disk, both at the acquisition and processing stages, and in the final versions translate into a high demand for disk space and therefore electricity. It is therefore obv...
Mehurović, Elma
Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na reševanje pogostih izzivov, s katerimi se soočajo ekonomsko-poslovne cone, kot so prevelika pozidanost, pomanjkanje zelenih površin, slaba prometna povezanost in številni drugi. Na podlagi analize stanja v coni Stegne delo predlaga inovativne projekte in rešitve, s katerimi bi to območje preoblikovali v vzorčni prim...