Tengblad, Stefan Andersson, Thomas
Sweden has the reputation of being one of the most progressive countries in the world concerning work-life development and industrial democracy. In this article, an analytical overview of the development in these areas is provided, which includes the antecedents, major events, actor positioning and also the broad-term outcomes. Two major reform mov...
Sandberg, Åke Hampson, Ian
What is distinctive about the Swedish contribution to progressive worklife reform, and what does it contribute to the current job quality literature? Sweden has produced a disproportionate share of the world’s research into social and organizational aspects of work and is among the leaders in work democratization research and practice. Work design ...
Chapas, Benjamin Chassagnon, Virgile
CEO compensation is a controversial issue. In recent decades, the mainstream theory of corporate governance has failed to produce a convincing explanation of the factors that shape the CEO compensation process, which, according to managerial power theory, is largely determined by the CEO’s discretionary power. These problems are increasing in the e...
Brown, Robert
Recent research suggests that democratising the workplace is an effective way of improving productivity and wellbeing. But few studies have focussed on how to democratise the workplace. This study aims to explore how organisations can democratise the workplace via employee reward strategy, and how this impacts productivity and wellbeing. I hypothes...
Dubrion, Benjamin
Le travail constitue un objet d'étude majeur de l'économiste John R. Commons. L'objectif de cet article est d'interroger la mesure dans laquelle la perspective de Commons offre un cadre théorique éclairant l'importance que peut avoir le travail dans la vie humaine individuelle et collective, à rebours de la conception instrumentale du travail domin...
Aubert, Nicolas Chapas, Benjamin Hollandts, Xavier
This paper focuses on the currents of thought that played a major role in the debate on industrial democracy in France and contributed to the design of the workers’ participation system in profits, ownership, and management. Different streams converged on the analysis of the nature of the company and came up with the conclusion that labor participa...
Baudry, Bernard Charmettant, Herve
Le déclin des entreprises "organisées" aux États-Unis semble signer la fin de l’espoir, ouvert par le Wagner Act et au coeur de l’Industrial Pluralism, de rééquilibrer les pouvoirs intra-firme par la négociation collective entre l’employeur et les syndicats. Au moment où se développent en France les accords d’entreprise, il importe de revenir sur l...
Chassagnon, Virgile Dubrion, Benjamin
International audience
Gill-McLure, Whyeda Thörnqvist, Christer
This special issue uses the occasion of the centenary of the Whitley Commission Reports to illuminate the contemporary crisis in public service industrial relations from a historical perspective. In all six countries studiedBritain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the USApublic service employment is labour intensive and quantitatively significan...
Brière, Thibaud
Le phénomène dit de la « libération d’entreprise » témoignerait d’une énième volonté de démocratisation des entreprises, s’inscrivant dans deux mouvements plus généraux, l’un de libéralisation, l’autre d’évolution de la démocratie vers des formes plus subtiles d’exercice du pouvoir, induisant dans nombre d’« entreprises libérées » une conception pa...