The paper presents a confirmed case of a factory in the west of the country, where the stochastic modeling generated by the software was implemented into SAP. This project was born out of necessity. Thus, to keep the processes under control and contribute to their improvement, they must be monitored, measured and analyzed regularly. As long as the ...
Exoskeleton use by people with complete spinal cord injury (SCI) in daily life is challenging. To optimize daily exoskeleton use, a better understanding of the purpose of use and the accompanying improvements are needed. The perspective of experienced exoskeleton users could guide design improvements. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were he...
Uvod: Za načrtovanje strategije uvajanja na dokazih podprte prakse v slovenski zdravstveni negi je pomembna ocena znanj, prepričanj in različnih vidikov uporabe na dokazih podprte prakse pri izvajalcih zdravstvene nege. Ocena mora biti zanesljiva, veljavna in reprezentativna, da lahko koristi načrtovanju nacionalnih strategij na tem področju. Namen...