Vik, Frida
The conversational maxims are guidelines to how a conversation should be conducted, but sometimes these maxims can be broken for different reasons. The aim of this thesis is to identify breakings of the conversational maxims in the crime drama Blindspot and to study which maxims are broken, for what purpose the maxims are broken and if there are an...
TOET, Rudy
先行研究では, 形式的に無標である語彙的使役が意味的にも無標で, 形式的に有標である生産的使役が意味的にも有標であることが「語用論的分業」として捉えられることがある。更に, 発話過程においては解釈過程も参照され, 解釈過程においては発話過程も参照される双方向的な形式的モデルも提唱されている。主語の指示対象が何らかの属性を有することを含意する「属性叙述受動文」と, 主語の指示対象と何らかの関連を有する「潜在的受影者」が文の表す事象から影響を受けることを含意する「潜在的受影者受動文」も, 対応する能動文に比して有標な形式であるだけでなく, 対応する能動文には必ずしも伴わない含意を持つことにより意味的にも有標であると言える。本稿では, これらの現象がどこまで類似するかを吟味しながら, 語用論的分業...
Nemesi, Attila L.
Published in
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica
The purpose of this paper is to take a close look at the interplay of semantic and pragmatic components of animal jokes. Rather than insisting on the priority of one particular theoretical tradition and selecting a few illustrative examples, 30 animal jokes – most of them translated into English from Hungarian – are presented to help identify the d...
Zyga, Magdalena
Published in
Text & Talk
The aim of the paper is to examine the mechanisms of potential (cognitive) manipulation used in the leaflets of selected medical devices. The assumption is that in the texts under analysis some of the Gricean conversational maxims are violated in an attempt at discursive manipulation or can be perceived as violated by the reader, which is favoured ...
Waldon, Brandon Degen, Judith
Scalar inferences are commonly assumed to involve both lit-eral semantic interpretation and social cognitive reasoning.However, the precise way to characterize listeners’ represen-tation of context - including the space of possible utterance al-ternatives as well as the space of possible conventional mean-ings associated with linguistic forms - is ...
Tosic, Elda
There are rules that regulate how conversation should be conducted, these are called conversational maxims. This paper aims to identify instances of breakings of the conversational maxims in the Tv-series Fresh Prince of Bel Air and How to get away with murder; one of which is a comedy series and the other a drama series. Speech in a Tv-series is s...
Goubier, Frédéric Pouscoulous, Nausicaa Roques, Magali
Cet article examine les raisons pour lesquelles on ne trouve pas vraiment, en philosophie médiévale, un équivalent de la notion gricéenne d'implicature, en dépit de l'intérêt marqué des auteurs pour la distinction entre sens propre et sens visé par les locuteurs. Cela est avant tout dû à une approche médiévale de cette distinction qui s’attache à r...
Vergis, Nikos Pell, Marc D.
Published in
Journal of Politeness Research
Although linguistic politeness has been studied and theorized about extensively, the role of prosody in the perception of (im)polite attitudes has been somewhat neglected. In the present study, we used experimental methods to investigate the interaction of linguistic form, imposition, and prosody in the perception of (im)polite requests. A written ...
Singh, Raj
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
The computation of scalar implicatures is sometimes costly relative to basic meanings. Among the costly computations are those that involve strengthening “some” to “not all” and strengthening inclusive disjunction to exclusive disjunction. The opposite is true for some other cases of strengthening, where the strengthened meaning is less costly than...
Sitdikova, Farida B. Eremeeva, Guzel R. Martynova, Ekaterina V.
The article considers implicatures of utterances. An implicature is information complex which is literally (verbally) unexpressed and which can be elicited as a result of extracting the meaning using background knowledge of recipient, context and situation. Formation and understanding the meaning of an utterance is the process of extracting implied...