Machado, D.I. Nardi, Roberto
Apresentam-se os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a construção de conceitos de Física Moderna e sobre a natureza da Ciência com o apoio da hipermídia, que envolveu a produção e avaliação de um software educacional. A proposta didática fundamentou-se na Teoria da Aprendizagem de Ausubel, em orientações para a implementação de sistemas hipermídia edu...
Machado, D.I. Nardi, Roberto
The results of a research that involves production and evaluation of a hypermedia about concept development of Modern Physics and the nature of Science are presented. The didactic proposal was based in Ausubel's Learning Theory, on orientations for the implementation of educational hypermedia systems and also took into account results of research i...
Joly, Adrien Tjondronegoro, Dian W.
With the growing popularity of mobile devices (including phones and portable media players) and coverage of Internet access, we tend to develop the need of consuming video content on the move. Some technologies already allow end-users to watch TV and listen to news podcasts or download music videos on their devices. However, such services are restr...
Valkanova, N.
Hypervideo content can be understood as a video-based hypermedia information structure providing the user with the option to exert influence on the way the video-related content is presented. It offers them the opportunity to take an active part in the presentation. It has been proven that the combination of interactivity, video content and multime...
Machado, D.I. Nardi, Roberto
The results of a research that involves production and evaluation of a hypermedia about concept development of Modern Physics and the nature of Science are presented. The didactic proposal was based in Ausubel's Learning Theory, on orientations for the implementation of educational hypermedia systems and also took into account results of research i...
Machado, D.I. Nardi, Roberto
The results of a research that involves production and evaluation of a hypermedia about concept development of Modern Physics and the nature of Science are presented. The didactic proposal was based in Ausubel's Learning Theory, on orientations for the implementation of educational hypermedia systems and also took into account results of research i...
Hartshorne, Richard
Published in
Journal of Science Education and Technology
Past research has indicated that a number of problems in the teaching of science in elementary classrooms are rooted in the preparation of inservice teachers. One continuing concern is elementary teachers' lack of science content knowledge. As indicated by numerous research studies reporting positive results, one method of addressing these problems...
Azevedo, Roger Cromley, Jennifer G. Winters, Fielding I. Moos, Daniel C. Greene, Jeffrey A.
Published in
Instructional Science
This study examines the effectiveness of three scaffolding conditions on adolescents’ learning about the circulatory system with a hypermedia learning environment. One hundred and eleven adolescents (n = 111) were randomly assigned to one of three scaffolding conditions (adaptive scaffolding (AS), fixed scaffolding (FS), or no scaffolding (NS)) and...
Iacovella, Andrea Bénel, Aurélien CALABRETTO, Sylvie Helly, Bruno
Assistance à l'interprétation dans les bibliothèques numériques pour les sciences historiques
田中, 克己
平成14-16度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A)(2))研究成果報告書 課題番号:14208036 研究代表者:田中克己 (京都大学情報学研究科)