Busi Rizzi, Giorgio
This contribution examines game-like digital comics, departing from Daniel Merlin Goodbrey's concept of game comics that he discusses in his doctoral dissertation and in following articles (2017, 2020). Game comics, as the name suggests, would be interactive, playful comics, closely related to video games. In Goodbrey's words, they are a type of hy...
Toreborg, Beatrice
Denna uppsats undersöker användningen av stop motion-estetik i den CGI-animerade serien Oni: Thunder God's Tale. Syftet är att analysera vad denna estetik kan framkalla känslor och vad för påverkan CGI-tekniken har för påverkan på dessa känslor. Undersökningen styrs av frågeställningen Vilken effekt får användningen av stop motion-estetik i CGI-pro...
wang, yurou zhang, haobo wang, jue xiaofeng, ma
The hypermedia environment is among the most prevalent contemporary self-regulated learning (SRL) environments; however, methods for improving the effectiveness of students’ multi-session SRL in such environments remain under discussion. In this study, two experiments were conducted to explore whether and how prompts and feedback benefit performanc...
Hammond, Lauren Renee
Radical Modes and Methods: Decoding and Dis-Imprinting Trauma explores women-of-color’s (WOC) engagement with new, hypertextual media to consider the influence these interactions have on literary expression and form as well as self-making. I analyze Do-It-Yourself (DIY) practice(s) and politics of (re)articulation to uncover how counter-cultural en...
Vilchis Esquivel, Luz del Carmen A.
Dora, Lita, Lidia, Cecilia and Elena are five women of Bolivian and indigenous origin, three conditions that are subject to discrimination in various latitudes of the world, however, they rebelled against their living conditions in a peculiar way, climbing peaks dressed with their representative costumes like a flag of indomitability. This group, k...
Brandon, Carole
Foisonnant d'exemple d’œuvres variées, cet ouvrage tente de contextualiser l'émergence de la notion de dispositif en art.Il permet de comprendre ses racines mais surtout ses enjeux culturels, sociétaux et politiques.Dans son positionnement éminemment politique, le dispositif artistique hypermédia ne cesse d'interroger les impacts des technologies s...
Moreano Pozo, Nataly
This research is based on the assumption that the erotic image of women in the Andean technocumbia is the product of a combined and contradictory design management between cultural rescue and globalized industrial music production. Through hypermedia, the symbolic elements of what has been considered erotic in different local societies have been mo...
Bahamón Cardona, Carlos Augusto
The project for the reopening of the National Museum of Telecommunications (MNT), by the Nueva Granada Military University (UMNG), addresses the challenges currently posed by Colombian society regarding the relation of museography to some educational, cultural and social aspects of our country. This is how the UMNG Engineering Faculty engages in th...
Cueli, Marisol Rodríguez, Celestino Areces, Débora García, Trinidad González-Castro, Paloma
Published in
The Spanish journal of psychology
Self-regulation on behalf of the student is crucial in learning Mathematics through hypermedia applications and is an even greater challenge in these IT environments. Two aims are formulated. First, to analyze the effectiveness of a hypermedia tool in improving perceived knowledge of self-regulatory strategies and the perceived usage of the plannin...
Kaiser, R. Meixner, B. (Britta)
Enabling interactive access to multimedia content and evaluating content-consumption behaviors and experiences involve several different research areas, which are covered at many different conferences. For four years, the Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) series offered a forum for combining interdisciplinary, comprehensive views,...