Final Report of the DAUFIN project
DAUFIN = Data Assimulation within Unifying Framework for Improved river basiN modeling (EC 5th framework Project)
DAUFIN = Data Assimulation within Unifying Framework for Improved river basiN modeling (EC 5th framework Project)
Hillslope response to rainfall remains one of the central problems of catchment hydrology. Flow processes in a one-dimensional sloping aquifer can be described by Boussinesq's hydraulic groundwater theory. Most hillslopes, however, have complex three-dimensional shapes that are characterized by their plan shape, profile curvature of surface and bed...
This paper addresses the question of whether remotely sensed latent heat flux estimates over a catchment can be used to improve distributed hydrological model water balance computations by the process of data assimilation. The data used is a series of satellite images for the Drentse Aa catchment in the Netherlands for the year 1995. These 1×1 km r...
The value and vulnerability of tropical peatlands is nowadays widely recognised. To increase knowledge of the hydroloy of peat swamp forests and to promote sustainable management model studies can be a useful tool. In this study the Sebangau catchment in Kalimantan, Indonesia, is modelled in SIMGRO. By means of model input geohydrological data for ...
The Boussinesq equation for subsurface flow in an idealized sloping aquifer of unit width has recently been extended to hillslopes of arbitrary geometry by incorporating the hillslope width function w(x) into the governing equation, where x is the flow distance along the length of the hillslope [ Troch et al., 2003 ]. Introduction of a source/sink ...
Het Stortelersbeekproject beoogde een combinatie van functies in het kader van het programma meervoudig duurzaam landgebruik Winterswijk. De te combineren functies binnen dit project waren landbouw, natuur en waterconservering met als doel om meerdere inkomsten voor grondeigenaren en -gebruikers te bewerkstelligen. Middels hydrologische berekeninge...
Voor het thema waterberging van de reconstructie in Noord-Brabant is een instrument gemaakt om de zoekruimte voor waterberging in het regionale watersysteem te kwantificeren. Dit Hoogwater Instrument Brabant (HIB) is een ARCVIEW-applicatie rond het integrale watersysteemmodel SIMGRO en rekent met stochasten conform de hoogwaternormering regionale w...
Land-surface processes and their modeling play an important role in planetary boundary modeling, due to their role of providing the surface boundary conditions to the atmosphere. In particular, processes regarding clouds and precipitation are strongly influenced by land-surface processes. To get a further understanding of those interactions we focu...
Recharge has been simulated in two European basins: upper Guadiana (Spain) and Noor (Netherlands)