levine, emmanuel
Entre 1930 et 1935, Emmanuel Levinas traduit cinq textes qui, à l’exception notable des Méditations cartésiennes, n’ont pas été pris en compte au sein des études lévinassiennes et dans l’histoire de la réception française de la phénoménologie. Au contraire, cette célèbre première traduction fit oublier les suivantes, leur diversité et leur influenc...
sandoval, rodrigo y.
Les analyses de la conscience d’image (Bildbewusstsein) forment un aspect de la pensée d’Edmund Husserl qui est encore insuffisamment étudié et discuté entre phénoménologues, malgré tout ce qu’elles peuvent offrir aux recherches pluridisciplinaires, notamment aux études visuelles (visual studies) ou à la science de l’image (Bildwissenschaft). L’exa...
de palma, vittorio
I aim to show that Husserl’s thinking contains both realistic and idealistic doctrines, which are in conflict with one another. Husserl identifies the real with the sensuous contents, whose structure is grounded in their objective peculiarity. However, he believes that only acts and sensations are sensuously given in a proper and original way, whil...
de palma, vittorio
In this article a comparison is made between the way the conditions of possibility of experience are conceived by Husserl and by Kantian and post-Kantian idealism. I show that — contrary to the latter — Husserl claims that the conditions of possibility of experience lie in the factually given sensuous contents, because sensuous syntheses, which are...
mudri, nebojša
The article is addressing one of the central but maybe the most ambiguous and multilayered concepts of Husserl’s phenomenology. Husserl’s insisting on a form of intentionality that implies not just conscious directedness towards objects, but also a constitutive function of mental acts, led to some serious accusations of his (not only transcendental...
carreras, piero
The paper tries to elucidate some of the implications of using phenomenology in anthropological research. The starting point is Blumenberg’s critique of the Husserlian Anthropologieverbot, against which he proposes a phenomenological anthropology as a “description of man” that can never be completed. This idea resonates with the use of phenomenolog...
delamare, alexis
Before engaging with intentionality, the philosopher of mind must consider the intrinsic nature of psychological elements. Conscious states, contrary to ordinary and scientific objects, seem to penetrate each another in such a way that it becomes impossible to enumerate, class or organize through laws the various experiences at stake. In this conte...
scarcez, alicia
delfosse, annick
leuwers, hervé