Larraín George, Javiera
En 2010, en conmemoración del bicentenario de la independencia de Chile, el director Guillermo Calderón decidió aceptar la oferta del Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil para dirigir la obra Los que van quedando en el camino, escrita por Isidora Aguirre, originalmente estrenada en 1969. Este trabajo pretende analizar críticamente la relectura de ...
Terrón Bañuelos, Aida
The professional biography of José María Rozada offers great insight into the experiences of those primary and secondary teachers who entered the profession in the final years of Franco’s dictatorship and whose commitment to «the transition» was articulated on two levels. On the one hand, the search -on an individual or collective level– for innova...
Pereira Rivera, Eva
El archivo personal, que tantos años ha permanecido olvidado y perdido entre los grandes archivos, emerge a mediados del siglo XX para recordar su presencia. Esos fondos, antaño inexistentes para el público, cobran importancia en este artículo aludiendo a la necesidad de su difusión. Las particularidades de sus creadores han llevado durante años a ...
Ferrante, Carolina
The Deaf Sport, structured on the basis of the Deaflympics is one of the most guarded historical and cultural heritage by the Deaf communities. This protection, from external perspectives, has been subject to misunderstandings and accusations of separatism and self-exclusion. Fighting this dehumanizing misunderstanding, in this work he describes th...
Gómez, Vicente
The Central American Independence and the project of a Central American Republic in the first decades of the 19th Century are often portrayed, along with the rest of the Spanish American Revolutions, as a deviation from an original model of revolution based on the French and North American experiences. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the co...
Boggio, Verónica
La historia del cine peruano es aún una narración inconclusa con muchas páginas perdidas. Este artículo es un esfuerzo inicial que elabora una cronología descriptiva del cine realizado en la Amazonia peruana desde sus inicios hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX. Se transita a través de las primeras grabaciones y proyecciones, y luego se resalta el ...
Barberá González, Rafael Martín del Fresno, Félix
Europe and Latin America have been the scenarios where populism has grown fastest. However, this phenomenon has also been emerging in other places that seemed not to have this tradition and did not have the foundations for it to grow. The emergence of the figure of Donald J. Trump has made many analysts see that populism has permeated the United St...
López Bermúdez, Andrés García Estrada, Rodrigo
This article deals with the bonds of friendship established in cafes and literary gatherings between Jorge Zalamea and León de Greiff, two Colombian writers of the first half of the twentieth century, independents from the artistic and literary avant-garde. The analyzed sources included correspondence from Jorge Zalamea’s personal archive, as well ...
Sánchez Rodríguez, Virginia
Book review: Marcos Ramos, María (ed.). (2018). Cine desde las dos orillas: directores españoles y brasileños. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Editora. / Reseña del libro Cine desde las dos orillas: directores españoles y brasileños. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Editora
Martin, Shawn J.
Scholars who investigate the history of journals come from multiple disciplines and perspectives. Like those who have written about the history of professions and higher education. Mainly the fields that investigate the history of magazines are: the history of science, the history of the book, communications and information studies. Academics in al...