Gabellini, Pietro Rossi, Eduardo Bonadonna, Costanza Pistolesi, Marco Bagheri, Gholamhossein Cioni, Raffaello
Published in
Frontiers in Earth Science
The process of particle aggregation significantly affects ash settling dynamics associated with volcanic explosive eruptions. Several experiments have been carried out to investigate the physics of ash aggregation and dedicated numerical schemes have been developed to produce more accurate forecasting of ash dispersal and sedimentation. However, nu...
Liebold, Frank A Heravi, Ali Mosig, Oliver Curbach, Manfred Mechtcherine, Viktor Maas, Hans-Gerd
Published in
Materials (Basel, Switzerland)
The determination of crack propagation velocities can provide valuable information for a better understanding of damage processes of concrete. The spatio-temporal analysis of crack patterns developing at a speed of several hundred meters per second is a rather challenging task. In the paper, a photogrammetric procedure for the determination of crac...
Šimic, Tilen
V zaključni nalogi so predstavljene metode identifikacije kinematike na podlagi korelacije digitalnih slik. V programskem okolju Python smo razvili aplikacijo za namene določanja nihanja in njegovih lastnosti s hitro kamero, na podlagi metode Lucas-Kanade. Opisana sta preizkusa aplikacije s sintetičnim posnetkom in posnetkom iz realnega primera, na...
Jereb, Samo
V zadnjih letih so hidrofobne in superhidrofobne površine tema številnih raziskav, saj imajo zaradi svojih lastnosti samočiščenja in odbijanja vode potencial za aplikacije na različnih področjih. V okviru zaključne naloge smo analizirali lastnosti bakrene hidrofobne površine in določili izkoristek odboja kapljice na površini ter izvedli velikostno ...
Yabuuchi, Kento Hirano, Masahiro Senoo, Taku Kishi, Norimasa Ishikawa, Masatoshi
Published in
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
LEDs are widely employed as traffic lights. Because most LED traffic lights are driven by alternative power, they blink at high frequencies, even at twice their frequencies. We propose a method to detect a traffic light from images captured by a high-speed camera that can recognize a blinking traffic light. This technique is robust under various il...
Guessasma, Sofiane Belhabib, Sofiane Altin, Abdullah
Published in
The influence of the microstructural arrangement of 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) on its mechanical properties is studied using both numerical and experimental approaches. Thermal cycling during the laying down of PLA filament is investigated through infra-red measurements for different printing conditions. The microstructure induced by 3D print...
Regi, Francesco Guerrier, Patrick Zhang, Yang Tosello, Guido
Published in
A special mold provided with a glass window was used in order to directly evaluate the flow progression during the filling phase of the injection molding process in a thin-wall cavity and to validate the simulation of the process with particular focus on the hesitation effect. The flow of the polymer was recorded at 500 frames per second using a hi...
Łopuch, Sylwia Tofilski, Adam
The waggle dances of honey bees provide information about the location of food sources and their quality. This study aimed to investigate how the quality of food sources affects different components of the dance. For the first time, we analysed in detail both the waggle phase and the return phase of the dance using a high-speed camera. The frequenc...
Tosa, Naoko Pang, Yunian Yang, Qin Nakatsu, Ryohei
We have been working on the creation of media art, utilizing technologies. In this paper, we have focused on media art created based on the visualization of fluid behaviors. This area is named “fluid dynamics” and there has been a variety of research in this area. However, most of the visualization results of the fluid dynamics show only stable flu...
David, Lucas Beauchamp, François Allou, Alexandre Saurel, Richard Guiffard, Paul Daudin, Kevin
Sodium-Water Reaction (SWR) is a notorious and complex interaction between two condensed phase reactants. It involves both physical and chemical processes, is fast, exothermic, and can be explosive under specific conditions. The fine-scale processes of SWR, and in particular the runaway mechanism eventually leading to explosive effects, are not yet...