González Hernández, Julio César Serrano Ortiz, José Sieron, Katrin Ortigoza González, Jesús Weissling, Blake Córdoba Montiel, Francisco Torres Orozco, Rafael
From the interpretation of physical properties, measured in the subsoil by means of different geophysical techniques, we can locate and delimit the distribution of the different underground water bodies, the thickness and distribution of the strata, the type of rock, as well as structures geological features such as joints, faults or folds. This pa...
Koppen, Barbara C.M. van Magombeyi, Manuel S. Jacobs-Mata, Inga Molose, V. Phasha, K. Bophela, T. Modiba, I. White, M.
The African Water Facility, together with the Water Research Commission, South Africa, as its implementing agent, supported the demonstration project Operationalizing community-led Multiple Use water Services (MUS) in South Africa. As knowledge broker and research partner in this project, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) analyzed...
Wallace, Brian Matthew
A numerical model for the NCMA aquifer complex is presented. The objective of the study is to develop a numerical groundwater model for the NCMA aquifer system to enhance the understanding of subsurface groundwater flow. Infiltration, streamflow, pumping, and return flows are implemented to characterize the aquifer complex over time. The numerical ...
Janssen, M.L. (author)
This thesis focusses on the intersection 3D Boolean set operation on voxel data represented as surfaces, with other 3D surface based vector data, in GIS. The Application of this research makes the linkage with geohydrology possible: based on the vectorised GeoTOP (TNO) data the water infiltration and storage capacity of specific locations can be de...
Pauw, P.S.
A major problem of sustaining freshwater supply from freshwater lens is the invasion of saline groundwater into a fresh groundwater body. In many coastal areas saltwater intrusion has led to well closure and reduced freshwater supply. Furthermore, in the future saltwater intrusion is expected to increase due to sea level rise, climate change, land ...
Dekker, L.W. Wesseling, J.G.
Op 17 september 1959 werd de rust in Wormer ruw verstoord door de vondst van een eigenaardig gat met een diameter van circa 60 centimeter in het weiland van veehouder J. Jongert. Ofschoon er steeds is gesproken over 'het Gat van Wormer' gaat het eigenlijk om drie gaten. Het eerste, in het veengrasland van R. Grevers, was al eerder ontdekt, namelijk...
Fraile del Río, Jara
Boliden Aitik mine in northern Sweden is one of the largest copper mines in Europe and the mining operations are planned to continue until reaching a depth of 645 meters. With increasing depth and open surface area, the amount of water managed constantly increases and the large amount of in-pit water has negative implications for mine operations.Du...
van der Gaast, J.W.J. Vroon, H.R.J. Massop, H.T.L. Wesseling, J.G.
In deze studie is gedetailleerde bodemkundige informatie gekoppeld aan geohydrologische informatie om de effecten van sturing in het oppervlaktewater op het grondwater met modellen te kunnen verkennen. De schematisering van het topsysteem heeft betrekking op zowel de laagopbouw (verticaal) als de ruimtelijke toekenning (horizontaal). Daarnaast is d...
Strikker, C.J. (author)
This master thesis comprehends a study on khettaras, historical subsurface drainage tunnels, in East Morocco. A numerical groundwater model was set up to simulate these systems and to get a better understanding of their behaviour. Subsequently, the model was used to simulate the effect of several scenarios: increased use of pumped wells in the same...
Oude Essink, G.H.P. Baaren, E.S. Zuurbier, K.G. Velstra, J. Veraart, J.A.
Een consortium onderzoekt in hoeverre lokale maatregelen de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid voor de landbouw kunnen vergroten in gebieden die onafhankelijk zijn van het hoofdwatersysteem. Hierbij wordt de ondergrond gebruikt voor opslag van zoet water in periodes van wateroverschot, om het water vervolgens te gebruiken in droge tijden. Het betreft een Ken...