Olvera Charles, Fernando
Resumen El objetivo del presente artículo es identificar las etapas de las incursiones indias en el norte de Tamaulipas durante el largo periodo de la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Se postula la continuidad y la adaptación de varios factores que convergieron en la época colonial e influyeron en el curso de las irrupciones y el trato de las fuerzas c...
Pérez Silva, María Belén
Resumen: El siguiente artículo analiza comparativamente la representación de la “frontera” (Tabuenca) territorial y simbólica, en las obras poéticas Se ha despertado el ave de mi corazón (1989) del autor chileno de origen mapuche Leonel Lienlaf y Sempoalxóchitl. Veinte flores: una sola flor (1987) del escritor mexicano de origen náhuatl Natalio Her...
Olvera Charles, Fernando
Resumen Este artículo analiza el desarrollo de la resistencia de los pobladores autóctonos de Nuevo Santander -actualmente Tamaulipas- en orden cronológico e identifica a los aborígenes que la fomentaron. Como hipótesis se plantea que la resistencia nativa se manifestó con más fuerza en el centro-sur y norte de la provincia y que, no obstante compa...
Colàs, Pol
Resumen: En este trabajo, trato de analizar las diferentes estrategias que adoptaron tanto la administración de José Ballivián (1841-1847) como los grupos dirigentes locales frente al auge económico del guano y la cascarilla en Bolivia de forma comparativa. Para eso, expongo el corpus legal creado por el Estado central en consecuencia, las contrata...
Rivera Hernández, Gina
In this article, from the theoretical reflection of regional studies, the bases of the relations between the towns of Liberia and Rivas (18th and 19th centuries) are analyzed, considering socioeconomic, political, geographical, and cultural aspects. The objective is to propose a complementary analysis to the works that have traditionally been done ...
Pellicer, Ana
Yuri Herrera, mexican novelist, has configured a personal universe through a narrative proposal fundamentally based on a very peculiar relationship with language and on the subversion/questioning of pre-assigned stereotypes about violence, identity, gender and narrative spaces. Signs preceding the end of the world (2009) is a circular journey, myth...
Renato Giroto, Ivo
Over the past two decades, extravagant examples of architecture in the Bolivian city of El Alto have attracted the world’s attention and generated controversy amongst architectural critics. Analysis of their aesthetics, construction and functional characteristics al-lows us to extract, from this specific and geographically delimited case, general c...
Delgadillo, Maria José
The publishing success of The Line Becomes a River (2018), by Mexican-American author and former Border Patrol agent Francisco Cantú, is supported by criticism and the liberal status of the literary market. This article analyzes the ethical and aesthetic considerations involved in writing about the politicized space of the border that separates Mex...
Ramos García, José María
From a governance approach, this article analyzes and compares the United States-Mexico Joint Initiative to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic, with respect to the North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza, and its contribution to promoting a secure border in the context of post-pandemic. The methodology is based on an analysis of the Joint I...
Gómez Vargas, Christian Guillermo
The purpose of this text is to mention some relationships between the function of art, in its therapeutic modality and its functions, in regards to psychopathology ―with the category of the sinister in the background―all this from a psychoanalytical and aesthetic perspective. Specifically in the case of the work of Martin Ramirez, who was a Mexican...