Pettersson, Anna-Karin
The purpose of this master thesis is to design a good practice for a bibliotherapeutic conversation series in a public library, regarding its preparation and implementation. Action research and its method cycles of inquiry is being used on a testing activity called The line of life. It is a bibliotherapeutic conversation series in five sessions pre...
Kjellgren, Gunilla Widebrant, Madeleine
Our thesis is based on studies of librarians' and preschool teachers' experiences with reading promotion work in a preschool library setting. The theoretical framework is founded on a social construction perspective, which means that our perceptions of reality are socially constructed. The empirical material includes three group interviews, each co...
Bengtsson, Johanna Plankl Seibt, Nina
Abstrakt Engelsk titel: Digital reading promotion for adults -a qualitative interview study This study aims to analyse how librarians in Swedish public libraries utilize digital media to promote reading among adults. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with librarians in southern and central Sweden. This study uses a practice-theoretical ap...
Petersson, Alicia
This master thesis explores how six public libraries in Sweden work with music through an interview study. All interviewed libraries worked in some way with music, but as there are no strict national guidelines concerning music in public libraries the libraries are free to choose how and if they want to work with music. Traditional music work took...
Askild, Alina Forssén, Alexandra
Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar till att undersöka hur bibliotek som plats verkar för barns rättigheter i samhället, och hur bibliotekarier inom olika bibliotekstyper ser på detta. Det empiriska materialet består av en kortare dokumentstudie av tre styrdokument för biblioteksverksamheten i Stockholms stad, samt två intervjuer med personal p...
Danielsson Jonsson, Tova
This thesis explores on climate practices in public libraries. By mapping internal and user-oriented practices in Swedish public libraries, this study has a two-fold purpose; to understand how libraries engage with environmental and climate issues, and to gain a better understanding of how public libraries perceive their role in contributing to Swe...
Hellmer, Elisabeth Wennbom, Karin
Introduction. Bibliotherapy is still in its infancy in Sweden compared to the USA which is seen as a pioneer country when it comes to applied bibliotherapy. Research on bibliotherapy shows that the benefits are many and the negative side effects are few, if any. This thesis seeks to understand what factors affect the diffusion of bibliotherapy amon...
Lindsköld, Linnéa
Denna artikel har tagits fram i samarbete mellan Kulturrådet och Digiteket, inom ramen för satsningen Läsfrämjandelyft för folkbibliotek.
/ Att skapa den läsande medborgaren. Offentlig debatt och politik 1945-2017
Johannesson, Lisa
Skillnader i uppdrag och mål kan orsaka spänningar i samarbetet mellan folkbibliotek och skola. I skolor som dessutom saknar eget skolbibliotek kan den problematiken öka ytterligare då skolan är i behov av skolbibliotekstjänster vilka inte ingår i folkbibliotekets uppdrag. Samtidigt kan ett samarbete med skolorna bidra med många fördelar för folkbi...
Waldner, Maria
Public librarians need to be ready to meet many different people and the quality of work must be high. Reading promotion work has a special focus in the Swedish Library Act and is also something that the library's visitors value highly. International studies have shown that librarians have found a space through staff book clubs, where they have bee...