Lindgren, Emma
Introduction: The first aim of this study is to gain more knowledge about why public libraries choose to organize reading groups for adults. The second aim is to shed light on the possible transformative potential of public libraries’reading groups for adults. Method: Semi-structured interviews with six librarians at Bibliotek Uppsala were conducte...
Norberg, Mary-Anne
The aim of this thesis is to gain insights into which competencies librarians working at public libraries with makerspaces consider important to possess in order to perform their work, and how and from where they acquire these competencies. The study also examines whether the Swedish Library & Information science education has prepared the libraria...
Wik, Sofia
Swedish public libraries have a clear mission to offer services which aim to increase the digital literacy among its users. This mission raises questions about how librarians describe the social practices of digital literacy training. This study is specifically focused on digital literacy training for seniors at Swedish public libraries. Qualitativ...
Hedberg, Andreas Vestin, Erik
Karlsson, Alexandra
This qualitative study examines how librarians at public libraries in a municipality with one of Sweden largest cities reflect on their professional role in relation to policy documents. The purpose is to generate knowledge about how librarians reflect on their professional role in relation to policy documents. The research questions are: How do li...
Weegar, Kristina
Digitaliseringen har en stor inverkan på samhället, inte minst på folkbiblioteken då uppdraget som informationsförmedlare och även i viss mån utbildare påverkas av att alltmer information är digital. Samtidigt går den digitala utvecklingen snabbt framåt och alla aspekter av den har inte varit enbart positiva, därmed finns det risker med att följa m...
Rask, Joakim
Public libraries in Sweden, according to library law, are required to submit library plans, which local politicians are tasked with reading and approving. Since public libraries rely on local politicians for funding, this thesis hypothesizes that public libraries, in their efforts to legitimize their operations in the eyes of local politicians, to ...
Cederlöf, Jonna
The thesis focuses on purchasing strategies at Swedish public libraries. By applying professional theory, gatekeeping theory, and the theory of tacit knowledge, the study highlights the challenges and power dynamics that influence the selection of literature purchases in library collections. My research problem consists of a hypothesis where public...
Holstensson, Carolina
This study explores the evolving role of public librarians, specifically focusing on their perspectives on competence development. The field of librarianship has undergone significant transformation in response to the digital age, leading to discussions about the future of the librarian profession. Public librarians now face multifaceted responsibi...
Ander, Anna
The purpose of the study is to gain insight into the activities of the Gothenburg public library for those with a language other than Swedish as their mother tongue. By examining the years 2014 and 2022 the aim is to understand if and how the activities have changed following the events in Sweden in 2015. The empirical data consists of 13 selected ...