Krekula, Clary Karlsson, Stefan
This article centres on emotions within the Swedish rescue services in terms of the concepts of emotional regime and emotional pasts, partly with a focus on the role of emotional pasts in emotional regimes, partly on how the (re)construction of emotional pasts relates to the organisation of the workplace. The empirical material consists of qualitat...
Zdařil, Vít
Tato bakalářská práce popisuje současnou problematiku kontaminace hasičů a jejich zásahových oděvů nebezpečnými zplodinami hoření, se kterými hasiči přicházejí do styku u požárů při provádění záchranných a likvidačních prací. Praktická část se zabývá kvalitativní analýzou GC/MS a měřením produktů reakce hoření, které hasičským zásahovým oděvem pros...
Jung, Alesia M Furlong, Melissa A Goodrich, Jaclyn M Cardenas, Andres Beitel, Shawn C Littau, Sally R Caban-Martinez, Alberto J Gulotta, John J Wallentine, Darin D Urwin, Derek
Published in
Epigenetics insights
Epigenetic changes may be biomarkers of health. Epigenetic age acceleration (EAA), the discrepancy between epigenetic age measured via epigenetic clocks and chronological age, is associated with morbidity and mortality. However, the intersection of epigenetic clocks with microRNAs (miRNAs) and corresponding miRNA-based health implications have not ...
Záleský, Daniel
Tato bakalářská práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí, a to část teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis a definici stresu, charakterizaci faktorů, které stres způsobují a možnou prevenci a předcházení stresu. Jsou zde rozebrány stresové faktory (stresory), které na tělo a organismus působí a vyvolávají stres. Dále je v t...
Cocunubo Valbuena, John Fredy Martínez Umoa, John Fredy
The purpose of this study is to make a diagnosis of the current condition of the initial and recurrent training programs developed for aeronautical firefighters in the different air units of the Colombian Air Force. By means of a survey type instrument, semi-structured interviews and a documentary review, an overview of the initial and recurrent tr...
Saari, Anssi Ma, Xin Clasey, Jody Bollinger, Lance Abel, Mark
Published in
Work (Reading, Mass.)
Firefighting is a physiologically demanding occupation and there is a need to evaluate physical and fitness characteristics that are related to attenuated physiological stress during fireground tasks. Previous studies have not measured associations between heart rate responses during simulated fireground tasks with a standardized work rate. The pur...
Jung, Alesia Furlong, Melissa Goodrich, Jaclyn Cardenas, Andres Beitel, Shawn Littau, Sally Caban-Martinez, Alberto Gulotta, John Wallentine, Darin Gabriel, Jamie
Epigenetic changes may be biomarkers of health. Epigenetic age acceleration (EAA), the discrepancy between epigenetic age measured via epigenetic clocks and chronological age, is associated with morbidity and mortality. However, the intersection of epigenetic clocks with microRNAs (miRNAs) and corresponding miRNA-based health implications have not ...
Serrano, Danya M Rufino, Katrina A Tran, Jana K Vujanovic, Anka A
Published in
Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research
This study explored the extent to which emotion regulation dimensions statistically mediate the association between sleep disturbance and suicide risk among firefighters. Participants were 865 firefighters working for a fire department in an urban area in the southern U.S. Bootstrapping was used to test the indirect effects of sleep disturbance on ...
v., joana
Firefighters are exposed to a range of harmful substances during firefighting. Exposure to fire smoke has been associated with a decrease in their lung function. However, the cause–effect relationship between those two factors is not yet demonstrated. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the potential associations between firefighters’ occupational...
Testoff, Addison C Schaefer Solle, Natasha Shafazand, Shirin Louzado-Feliciano, Paola Lee, David J Koru-Sengul, Tulay Kobetz, Erin N Caban-Martinez, Alberto J
Published in
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
Our objective was to estimate the association of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sleep latency among retired firefighters. Baseline health survey data collected from retried career Florida firefighters participating in an ongoing prospective cohort study from 2017 to 2021 were analyzed. Risk for PTSD was assessed using a four-item primary...