Tučná, Tereza
Bakalářská práce se zabývá hospodařením gymnázia v letech 2018-2022. Cílem této práce je zhodnotit hospodaření školy pomocí přepočtu hodnot nákladů a výnosů na jednoho žáka. Dalším cílem je zhodnocení výsledků hospodaření za roky 2018-2022. K dosažení cílů byly využity metody abstrakce, horizontální analýza a syntéza, komparace a deskriptivní analý...
Villacorta Hernández, Miguel Angel
Crowdfunding is a non-banking financing method that is cha-racterized by the grouping of potential investors through the Internet to finance a project. This article will introduce the concept, name, history and evolution of Crowdfunding. Next, the different modalities of the term are differentiated, which are essential to be able to analyze its leg...
Salazar Cedeño, Ericka
The aim of the research is to analyze leasing and renting as a financing strategy used by vehicle leasing companies in the city of Guayaquil, in which it is decided that both leasing and renting are financing options that generate advantages for the companies. leasing companies. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling is used, which allows the numbe...
Stix, Milan
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na posouzení finanční náročnosti soutěží týmů krajské a okresní úrovně ve fotbale. Cílem práce je analyzovat finanční situaci dvou vybraných fotbalových klubů, které působí na různých úrovních soutěží, porovnat ji a navrhnout možnosti pro zlepšení. K dosažení tohoto cíle byla využita SWOT analýza, která byla vytvoř...
Tenor, Carina
This paper explores the implementation process of digital audience metrics as a key strategy in Swedish legacy news production during the last three decades. The historical adoption of metrics in the newsroom is not new but has grown fast (from analogue audience measurements in the 1950s and monthly statistics of unique visitors in the 1990s to a w...
Rodríguez Torres, Claudia Margarita Hernández Madrigal, Mónica Ramírez Flores, Elfego Vega C., Miguel Ángel
The objective of this research was to determine how beneficiaries of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) perceive the universal health care reform project in terms of the variables of financing and provision of services in the city of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The study was carried out under a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectio...
Balio, Casey P Mathis, Stephanie M Francisco, Margaret M Meit, Michael Beatty, Kate E
Published in
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)
Block grant funding provides federal financial support to states, with increased flexibility as to how those funds can be allocated at the community level. At the state level, block grant amounts and distributions are often based on outdated formulas that consider population measures and funding environments at the time of their creation. We descri...
Celi Flores, Diana Carolina Loor Saldarriaga, Ángel Oswaldo Flores Tunja, Jonnathan Raúl Tomalá De La Rosa, Henry Javier Noroña Moreno, Francisco Xavier
This work is focused on the research on Financing for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Strategic Sectors in Ecuador. The research has considered the most relevant aspects that can help boost economic development and the creation of new companies in the country. In Ecuador, there has been an increase in the creation of new companies in various st...
Milena Castro Moreno, Laura Yineth
This article presents financial access as an effective strategy for the generational replacement of the rural peasant population. Based on a mixed-imbricated methodology, given that, from the development of a qualitative research, interviews are conducted in the community that are supported by quantitative data to determine the influence of financi...
Valero Vilchis, Jannet
It is considered that state public universities have faced challenges in various orders. Currently, its technological, social, political, economic and cultural environment has changed at great speed, especially during the last 30 years. This raises questions about the challenges they face in responding to current and future circumstances. Therefore...