Arteta Ripoll, Cristóbal
There are reasons against reasons for the defense and attack against democracy. In these times of turbulence and confusion, the rule of words has ended up imposing itself, hence the immense power of the mass media of communication and information. Words that yesterday sounded high-sounding, such as left, center and right, came to be considered stal...
Demenchonok, Edward
This article analyzes the contribution of Russian philosophy to the humanistic tradition of promoting dialogical relations and peace. It highlights the peaceful significance of Leo Tolstoy’s ethics of nonviolence, Vladimir Solovyov’s concept of omniunity, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogical philosophy. Dialogue is conceived not only as communication b...
Dorta, Germán Antonio
Ludwig Binswanger y el análisis existencial. Un enfoque filosófico de la enfermedad mentalescrito a principio de 1950 por el joven Foucault, es una obra que nos permite ubicar la interrogante filosófica sobre el hombre en relación a la enfermedad mental. Inquietud filosófica que presenta puntos de contactos con Enfermedad mental y psicología public...
Adetou, Fidèle
AbstractThis article explores the relationship between human language, philosophy, and theology, emphasizing the difficulty of expressing the divine. It starts from the premise that language, both external and internal, is unique to humans, and examines its ability to articulate transcendence. From a phenomenological perspective, the study analyzes...
Castañeda Vargas, José
The text presents Heidegger’s criticism of the concepts of theory and praxis and as they have been coined by the philosophical tradition. The article shows the transformative turn that the German philosopher makes in the treatment of these two notions, in order to outline a new conception of philosophy, regarding the criticism and transformation of...
Mi, Tian Muñoz Cabrera, Rodrigo
Taoism is a philosophical and religious doctrine deeply rooted in Chinese culture. Spanish priests initiated the process of dissemination of this doctrine in the Hispanic world. However, researchers of other nationalities continued this work, with mixed results, since they were not aware of the synonymy and the real meaning of the allegorical resou...
Conesa, Francisco
En este artículo se evocan los temas fundamentales de la Encíclica "Fides et ratio" (Juan Pablo II), exponiendo su comprensión de la relación entre razón y fe, filosofía y teología, en la búsqueda de la verdad. Seguidamente se expone la concepción de la relación entre fe, razón y amor en la Encíclica "Lumen Fidei" (Francisco). La actualidad de la E...
Maiza, Luis Gonzalo Saltos, Sonia Soledad
En el presente artículo se pretende enseñar un estudio bibliográfico, sobre el aprendizaje colaborativo, apoyado en las TIC, donde hace referencia a los enfoques de aprendizaje colaborativo en el desarrollo de habilidades esenciales para la enseñanza aprendizaje de la filosofía, misma que aporta beneficios educativos y sociales identificados en los...
Vázquez, Muriel
The aesthetic experience encompasses perceptual, affective and cognitive aspects that education should promote (Eisner, 1995). For this, it is necessary to encourage educational practices that include perception understood as a cognitive act. This act involves emotion and enables the intellectual construction of theoretical concepts. Analyzing the ...
Ramos Mejía, Tomás Jacky Rosell, Emiliano Penchansky, María Celina
The concept of autopoiesis has had an important impact on the social sciences, philosophy and the humanities in general. Some contemporary intellectuals have made a critical appropriation of it and others have made a direct transposition from biology to their respective disciplines and fields of interest. The aim of this article is to develop a com...