Sharing water equitably in the Ferghana Valley, Central Asia
Volume 1 of the study on Hydro-Institutional Mapping of the Olifants River Basin. This study aims to give an overview of water users and influences on water use by institutions in the Steelpoort river basin, a sub-basin of the Olifants. Describes a general methodology and framework for setting out the HIM for a river basin and presents findings fro...
Coping with scarcity of water supply for managing irrigation under uncertain and inadequate conditions has become part and parcel of many irrigation systems in the semiarid tropics of Asia. Based on a case study of the Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project (KOISP) in southern Sri Lanka, this report provides evidence of the uncertain and ina...
In Waheed uz Zaman (Comp.), Institutional reforms in irrigation sector of Balochistan, Pakistan: Proceedings of the Workshop held at Dera Murad Jamali, 30-31 October 1999. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Balochistan, Pakistan: Balochistan Irrigation and Drainage Authority (BIDA).
Evaluates the performance of the Bhadra Reservoir Project-before, during, and after the introduction of modernization with structured system design. Analysis focuses on water management, agricultural productivity, and farmer participation and perception. Identifies the absence of a continuing support mechanism and lack of farmer participation as th...