Les financements exports
International audience
International audience
International audience
Study on the contribution of agriculture and the livestock sector to the Nigeria national economy, w. data on trend of agricultural production, import, export and prices of agricultural products, geographic distribution of livestock, meat supplies and livestock development projects in third national plan.
Study on the contribution of agriculture and the livestock sector to the Nigeria national economy, w. data on trend of agricultural production, import, export and prices of agricultural products, geographic distribution of livestock, meat supplies and livestock development projects in third national plan.
Enumeration of non - tariff barriers facing meat exports and their impact on tropical African exports w. note on development efforts and prospects. Data on distribution of world beef imports and tropical African exports, beef prices in selected countries, and trend of beef exports from East Africa, Botswana and Swaziland.
Note on the world beef and mutton market, w. emphasis on exporting and importing countries, price evolution of fresh and frozen meat and on price indicators.