Sarja, Asko (Ed.) Lautanala, Mika (Ed.)
In September 1 to 3, 1993, 27 invited researches and specialists from 10 countries collected at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), in Espoo: - to report on the latest results and experiences, - to identify future needs of research and development and - to create new ideas, research projects and to define the issues of future buildings ...
Lehtilä, Antti
Possible future development paths of the Finnish energy economy during the next few decades have been analyzed. The focus has been on the role of new energy conversion technologies, and potential efficiency improvements in the end-use of energy, as well as on the possibilities for reducing energy related emissions. A national energy system model de...
Vähävihu, Elina Virtanen, Yrjö Junttila, Vesa
This report is a part of the documentation of the Finnish project LCA database on energy production in Finland (SEEP). The report is based on a Diploma Thesis which was done during the project (Vähävihu 1995). This report contains environmental life cycle data of electric power, heat and natural gas transmission and distribution networks in Finland...
Aunela-Tapola, Leena Jormanainen, Pauli Laukkarinen, Anja Mehtonen, Arvo Puustinen, Harri Salmikangas, Tuomo Tolvanen, Merja Vahlman, Tuula
The aim of the project was to study the means to minimise uncertainties of the emission measurement results in calculation the annual emissions and in comparing the emission data to emission limit values of a plant. The report is based on uncertainty calculations by VTT Chemical Technology, results obtained from national comparison measurements and...
Aakko, Päivi Lappi, Maija Kytö, Matti Kokko, Jussi Kivi, Jouni Pentikäinen, Juha
The research work focused on the comparison of extremely reformulated Cali-fornian gasoline (CARB), current Finnish reformulated gasoline (RFG) and reformulated MTBE- and TAME-containing gasoline (RFG2) with Eurograde gasoline (EN228). The tests were carried out according to the FTP driving cycle at +22 and -7 oC. The fleet of test vehicles compris...
Mälkki, Helena Frilander, Pertti
Environmental issues related to the production of peat and its use in energy generation have been the subject of public debate and research over the past few years in Finland. Peat is both an indigenous and a locally utilised fuel. Finland has no fossil fuel resources, and the transportation distances of imported fuels into Finland are normally lon...
Korhonen, Maija Thun, Rabbe (eds)
Detrimental impacts of various energy production forms, their prevention and costs to enterprises and to the society are studied in the National Re-search Programme on Energy and Environmental Technology - SIHTI 2. For this evaluation work, databases on Finland s energy production, fuels and boilers and emissions of various production forms are nee...
Korhonen, Maija Thun, Rabbe (eds)
Low-emission energy production and related technologies are key factors with regard to sustainable development and preservation of ecosystems. Expertise developed in Finland is highly appreciated and Finland is presently of top class in the world in a number of technical applications. This gives us an exceptionally good position in promoting and us...
Kemp, René
Published in
Environmental and Resource Economics
This article develops an economic model of environmental technology adoption decisions. The model is applied econometrically to the diffusion of biological waste-water treatment plants in the Dutch food and beverage industry. It shows that it is possible to explain the overall diffusion pattern of biological waste-water treatment plants in terms of...
Thun, Rabbe Korhonen, Maija (toim.)
Great revolutions have taken place in the intersection of energy and environment in recent years. The energy market has been liberated, and in part of sustainable development, an ecological pattern of thought has gained a footing in traditional market economy, typical examples being green electricity and recycling. As regards environmental problems...