Rodríguez, Rosa Ana Saffe, María Alejandra Costante, Marianela Plana, Yesica Palacios, Carlos Echegaray, Marcelo Eduardo
Three agro-industrial wastes were characterized in order to carry out their thermal gasification, performing their immediate analysis determining concentration of Ca, K and Mg as well as of the three toxic representative metals: Cd, Cr and Pb, in their oxidation states and ground state. Concentration of those heavy metals was also determined in ash...
Stouthart, F. Melse, R.W. Rensman, D.
In een pilotproject, uitgevoerd in 2010 in de gemeente Gemert-Bakel, is gebleken dat elektronisch monitoren van luchtwassers technisch mogelijk is. Het geeft een betrouwbaar beeld van de werking van een luchtwasser. Het rapport met de resultaten van de pilot verwacht dat ‘er geen technische belemmeringen zijn om een dergelijk systeem in de praktijk...
Salukele, F.M.
Landfilling is currently the dominant disposal method for municipal solid waste (MSW) in developing countries. Approximately 50% of the MSW generated in East Africa is disposed in landfills. Low costs and availability of land have made landfilling the most common waste management option in East Africa. Two main aspects associated with landfills are...
Racyte, J.
Zoetwaterschaarste is een groot probleem voor de volksgezondheid. Ongeveer 10 % van de wereldbevolking heeft geen toegang tot veilig drinkwater en 36 % van de bevolking heeft geen basis sanitaire voorzieningen. Het grootste deel van deze mensen leeft in waterschaarse gebieden en hergebruik van water is relevant om te voorzien in de benodigde hoevee...
Boelee, N.C.
The objective of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of using microalgal biofilms for the treatment of municipal wastewater, with a focus on the post-treatment of municipal wastewater effluent. The potential of microalgal biofilms for wastewater treatment was first investigated using a scenario analysis. Then biofilms were grown on wastewa...
Konz, Werner
In water analysis,the demand of monitoring systems with the ability of operating as stand-alone measurement systems becomes more important. There is a multiplicity of different sensor systems with different sensing techniques reported and presented. Commercially available measurements systems for total water analysis that also fulfill the requireme...
Naus, J. van Vliet, B.J.M.
Op dit moment zijn er een aantal demonstratieprojecten gaande in Nederland waarin alternatieve vormen van sanitatie (nieuwe sanitatie) worden toegepast. Een van de meest vooruitstrevende projecten is het Waterschoon project in Sneek. Hier worden 230 huurwoningen gerealiseerd (bouwproject Noorderhoek) waarbij toiletten en keukenvermalers voor organi...
Bothma, Victoria
With the increasing understaning of the need for sustainable development, many are finding that existing systems of governance are not sufficiently complex to solve the environmental crisis (see Glasbergen, 2011; Brown et al., 2009). As a result, the recent years has seen the rise of public-private participation, strengthened by the endorsement of ...
Dechezleprêtre, Antoine Glachant, Matthieu Hascic, Ivan Johnstone, Nick Ménière, Yann
This article uses the European Patent Office Worldwide Patent Statistical Database to examine the geographic distribution and global diffusion of inventions in thirteen climate-mitigation technologies since 1978. The data suggest that until 1990 innovation was driven mostly by energy prices. Since then, environmental policies, and, more recently, c...
Kroeze, C. Boersema, J.J. Tellegen, E. Cremers, A.
In ten essays, this book addresses a broad range of issues related to the interplay of sustainability and technology. How do population growth and technology relate to sustainable development? Can globalization be reconciled with sustainable development? Is sustainability a subjective or an objective concept? And how can we find a balance between t...