This is a study of how industries develop in regions that are industrially weak, exemplified by Norrbotten, the northernmost province of Sweden. Developing industries are represented by three companies manufacturing prefabricated wooden houses, situated in the municipalities Övertorneå, Kalix (Morjärv) and Älvsbyn in the interior of Norrbotten.For ...
Over de vraag welke kwaliteiten bevorderen goed ondernemerschap en zijn deze door de voorlichting te bevorderen. Zo ja, hoe dan. Geconcludeerd wordt dat deze eigenschappen gedeeltelijk door voorlichting bevorderd kunnen worden zoals het gericht zijn op anderen
The traditional theory of the firm, as presented in virtually all economics textbooks, implicitly treats the firm as an owner-managed, or entrepreneurial, entity. In reality, ownership and control of the firm are often separated. The consequent delegation of tasks and information asymmetry lead to a principal-agent problem whereby managers may not ...
The subject of this study is the business activities of an industrialist from county of Jämtland, Sven O Persson (S P), from the end of the 1910's to the end of the 1980's. The economic development of Jämtland during the last one hundred years has also been depicted and placed in relation to the national one, during periods of directional change an...