Portable Electric Home Milk Pasteurizers
Two batch-type and one in-the-bottle type home milk pasteurizers were investigated to determine whether they comply with U.S. Public Health code temperature and time requirements for pasteurizers.
Two batch-type and one in-the-bottle type home milk pasteurizers were investigated to determine whether they comply with U.S. Public Health code temperature and time requirements for pasteurizers.
The power and energy requirements of the Joint European Torus (JET) are described. The problems involved in supplying such a load from the H. V. lines adjacent to the proposed JET sites are discussed and a cost comparison is made between the two possible components of the power supply, i. e. flywheel. generator-convertors and transformer-controlled...
This NebGuide discusses the economic advantages of using a fallow system with winter wheat. In 1979, Americans watched gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum products dramatically increase in price. The amount of imported crude oil increased and the demand continued strong despite higher prices. Conservation of energy, either forced or voluntary, se...
In het geheel van factoren, van invloed op het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van obesitas, zoals sociale, psychologische en fysiologische factoren, begint het bruin vetweefsel als mogelijke centrale regulator van de energiebalans steeds interessanter te worden. Studies aan genetische vette muizen en aan ratten die een cafetariavoeding kregen, hebben ...
Op grond van de prevalentiecijfers voor overgewicht in Nederland en gezien de verhoogde kans op vroegtijdige sterfte bij ernstige mate van overgewicht, kan gesteld worden dat overgewicht een bedreiging vormt voor de volksgezondheid. De incidentie is in de leeftijdsgroep tussen 20 en 40 jaar het grootst. Juist voor deze groep is ook het risico van v...
The prevalence of overweight in the developed world and the increased mortality and morbidity risk of overweight people stimulate research into the imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Little information is available about the 24 hour energy expenditure and energy requirement of lean and overweight people. This thesis describes e...
Body weight, body fatmass, basal metabolic rate, energy intake, and activity pattern, were measured longitudinally from 13 wks of gestation until 12 wks postpartum in fifty-one healthy rural Philippine women. Initial body weight, body fatmass and height were 44.5 kg, 25%, and 151 cm, respectively. The gain in body weight and maternal fat stores ove...