Labussière, Etienne Dubois, Serge van Milgen, Jaap Noblet, Jean
Published in
Frontiers in Physiology
In growing pigs, the feed cost accounts for more than 60% of total production costs. The determination of efficiency of energy utilization through calorimetry measurements is of importance to sustain suitable feeding practice. The objective of this paper is to describe a methodology to correct daily heat production (HP) obtained from measurements i...
Pajuelo R., Jaime Bernui L., Ivonne Castillo S, Alicia Cabrera B, Sandra Cuba J, Jhon
Introduction: Overweight and obesity result from change in dietary patterns and increasingly sedentary attitude. Objectives: To compare the energy and nutrient intake in female adolescents with overweight and obesity. Design: Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study. Location: Lima’s urban area Education Center. Participants: Adolescents...
Schöllin, Anton Widell, Mark
I detta examensarbete studeras kommande energikrav för byggnader i Sverige och i synnerhet kraven på specifik energianvändning. Detta mot bakgrund av EU-kommissionens och EU-parlamentets direktiv, EPBD2, om nära nollenergibyggnader 2020. Därefter bearbetas ett förslag på en ny ytterväggskonstruktion som med lägre U-värde än den befintliga yttervägg...
Estrada, Luis Humberto Castillo
Currently rations of goats and sheep are mainly based on the standards of the National Research Council - NRC (1981 and 1985 ) , which were obtained on the basis of animal with live weight and feeding different to those used in Brazil . Furthermore , the results of research on nutritional requirements , there are a good amount of data that could de...
Headrick, Lauren B Rowe, Cassie C Kendall, Ashley R Zitt, Michelle A Bolton, Dawn L Langkamp-Henken, Bobbi
Published in
Journal of nutrition education and behavior
To compare the difference between self-reported and calculated daily energy requirements of adults within different body mass index (BMI) categories. Adults (n = 978) self-reported daily energy requirements, demographic information, and height, weight, age, and physical activity level (PAL) to calculate total energy expenditure. The main effects of...
van der Velden, N.J.A. Smit, P.X.
De consumptie van elektriciteit door de glastuinbouw is de achterliggende jaren substantieel toegenomen Waarvoor de elektriciteit wordt gebruikt is onvoldoende bekend. Het LEI heeft in opdracht van PT en EZ het gebruik en de groei van de elektriciteitsconsumptie naar apparatuur in kaart gebracht. Bovendien is een kwalitatieve verkenning uitgevoerd ...
Seixas Filho, José Teixeira de Navarro, Rodrigo Diana Pereira, Marcelo Maia Mello, Sílvia Conceição Reis Pereira Lanna, Eduardo Arruda Teixeira Lima, Jorge Luiz Pereira
A partir dos valores de digestibilidade de alguns ingredientes foram propostas dietas, com diferentes níveis de proteína e energia digestíveis, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, destinadas a girinos de rã-touro para avaliar o desempenho zootécnico. O experimento, com duração de 60 dias, foi conduzido com 810 girinos, oriundos da mesma desova, distribuídos...
Tazhibi, Mehdi Bahraini, Nimah
Published in
Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Because of their age (14-18 years), which is called growth age, energy intake was lower than their needs.
Hermanowicz, Slav W
A brief description of membrane bioreactor (MBR) historical evolution has been presented with emphasis on continual decline of treatment costs and energy requirements. Although MBR can operate at biomass (MLSS) concentrations 5 to 10 times higher than activated sludge these concentrations are limited in practice by increasing biomass suspension vis...
Hermanowicz, Slav W
A brief description of membrane bioreactor (MBR) historical evolution has been presented with emphasis on continual decline of treatment costs and energy requirements. Although MBR can operate at biomass (MLSS) concentrations 5 to 10 times higher than activated sludge these concentrations are limited in practice by increasing biomass suspension vis...