Irving, Chelsea Jayne Eggett, Dennis L Fullmer, Susan
Published in
Nutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
The 2 most common methods to determine resting metabolic rate (RMR) with indirect calorimetry are steady state (SS) and time intervals. Studies have suggested SS more accurately reflects RMR, but further research is needed. Our objective was to compare the bias, precision, and accuracy of SS to time intervals and non-SS measurements in a healthy ad...
Garcia Victoria, N. de Zwart, Feije van Weel, Peter Steenhuizen, Johan de Groot, Marco
Wageningen University & Research, BU Glastuinbouw heeft in opdracht van Kas als Energiebron een integraalenergiezuinig teeltconcept voor Alstroemeria ontworpen en doorgerekend. Elementen in het teeltconcept zijn:maximaal isoleren (twee schermen), zorgvuldig ontvochtigen met een Ventilation Jet, isoleren van de bodem,energiezuinige bodemkoeling en “...
Engelmark, Johanna
EU har ställt höga krav på energianvändning i byggnader genom ett nytt direktiv där respektive medlemsland har fått i uppdrag att ta fram gränsvärden för energianvändning i just sitt land. I Sverige har Boverket fått detta ansvar. I och med det skärpta krav som har föreslagits finns en orolighet i byggbranschen att det kommer att bli svårt att uppf...
Baciocchi, Renato Costa, Giulia Polettini, Alessandra Pomi, Raffaella Stramazzo, Alessio Zingaretti, Daniela
Published in
Frontiers in Energy Research
This work presents the results of carbonation experiments performed on Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel slag samples employing gas mixtures containing 40 and 10% CO2 vol. simulating the gaseous effluents of gasification and combustion processes respectively, as well as 100% CO2 for comparison purposes. Two routes were tested, the slurry-phase (L/S ...
Reidlinger, D P Willis, J M Whelan, K
Published in
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association
Current equations used to calculate RMR in older people have inaccuracies, although the Mifflin St-Jeor equation was most accurate. Future studies should investigate the validity, reliability, cost and practicality of using fat free mass as an item in novel equations to calculate RMR in this age group. Self-reported height and weight in males, and ...
Petersen, M K Mueller, C J Mulliniks, J T Roberts, A J DelCurto, T Waterman, R C
Published in
Journal of animal science
Assessment of beef cow energy balance and efficiency in grazing-extensive rangelands has occurred on a nominal basis over short time intervals and has not accounted for the complexity of metabolic and digestive responses; behavioral adaptations to climatic, terrain, and vegetation variables; and documentation of the effects of nutrient form and sup...
Mack, J K Remler, H P Senckenberg, E Kienzle, E
Published in
Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere
Foals with a comparatively low body weight and BCS at weaning in combination with further stressors need considerably more energy than foals that undergo less stressful weaning conditions.
Deville, Anne-Sophie Labaude, Sophie Robin, Jean-Patrice Béchet, Arnaud Gauthier-Clerc, Michel Porter, Warren Fitzpatrick, Megan Mathewson, Paul Grémillet, David
Most studies analyzing the effects of global warming on wild populations focus on gradual temperature changes, yet it is also important to understand the impact of extreme climatic events. Here we studied the effect of two cold spells (January 1985 and February 2012) on the energetics of greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) in the Camargue (so...
Petersen, M. K. Mueller, C. J. Mulliniks, J. T. Roberts, A. J. DelCurto, T. Waterman, R. C.
Assessment of beef cow energy balance and efficiency in grazing-extensive rangelands has occurred on a nominal basis over short time intervals and has not accounted for the complexity of metabolic and digestive responses; behavioral adaptations to climatic, terrain, and vegetation variables; and documentation of the effects of nutrient form and sup...
Madden, A M Parker, L J F Amirabdollahian, F
Published in
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association
The HHC provides estimates of REE in healthy people that are less accurate than those calculated using the prediction equations and so does not provide a useful alternative.