The nutritional care and management of patients includes provision of adequate nutrition support to ensure that they attain and maintain a desirable body weight, improve nutritional status and avoid negative outcomes associated with over- or underfeeding. The success of nutrition support relies on accurately estimating energy requirements so that a...
The possibility of intensifying the synthesis of microbial exopolysaccharides (EPS) by a strain of Acinetobacter sp. grown on a mixture of two substrates nonequivalent in terms of bioenergetics (ethanol + glucose) was shown. Based on theoretical calculations of the energy requirements for biomass and EPS synthesis from the energy-deficient substrat...
Food consumption data indicate that in most studies the cumulative increase in food intake over pregnancy shows enormous variation between individuals. There are good arguments against setting one specific recommendation for increased intake for all pregnant women. In well-nourished women, little relationship exists between maternal diet and milk p...
The import pathways of the alternative oxidase and the FAd subunit of the ATP synthase from soybean were characterised. The FAd precursor does not require extramitochondrial ATP for import and this was shown to be a characteristic of the mature protein. The alternative oxidase and FAd precursors were shown to differ in their requirement for a membr...
Energiegebruik voor ventilatie draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan de totale kosten voor elektriciteit op een varkensbedrijf. In de huidige praktijk worden de ventilatoren in varkensstallen in de meeste gevallen aangestuurd via een 230 volt triac-regeling. Nadeel van deze regeling is dat bij de spanningsverlaging veel energie verloren gaat, waardoor...
This thesis contains 35 studies on food consumption and growth of captive marine marinmals. Seventeen studies concern food intake and growth records of 9 odontocete species (toothed whales), varying in body weight from 30 to 4500 kg: the killer whale, beluga, false killer whale, Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, Amazon river dolphin, common dolphin, dus...