New empirical aspects of the Bowen-ratio energy balance method : a study of evaporation losses in arid regions
Published in Acta veterinaria Scandinavica
La connaissance des phénomènes dissipatifs et non dissipatifs associés aux processus quasi-statiques de déformation, représente un atout supplémentaire important pour l'élaboration de loi thermomécanique de comportement. On décrit, ici, un dispositif expérimental, utilisant les techniques de thermographie infrarouge, et permettant d'observer les ph...
Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin DIN 1942 -normin mukaista, yleisesti käytössä olevaa hyötysuhde- ja taselaskentamenetelmää. Keskeisenä tutkimuskohteena oli arinakuona- ja lentopölyhäviöiden määritys. Normin mukaisessa menetelmässä ei oteta riittävän hyvin huomioon polttoaineen epätäydellistä palamista ja sen vaikutusta eri ainevirtoihin. Kehitetyssä mene...
This first work package deals with the de-aggregation of changes in energy consumption in the individual sectors of energy end-use and the conversion sector according to the three main spheres of influence mentioned (development of activity, structural development, and development of technology/development of behaviour). This required extensive dat...
Published in Acta veterinaria Scandinavica
Concentrations of acetoacetate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate, glucose and free fatty acids were determined in blood from 3 Jersey cows during a 5-months period. The cows were fed an identical complete feed every hour, from ad libitum intake to maintenance level, for 28 days at each of the following levels of intake: 170, 138, 102, 53 and 37 g organic matter...
Published in Acta veterinaria Scandinavica
The effect of serum glucose, ASAT and urea on reproductive performance was studied in 45 Finnish dairy cows from 8 different herds. Blood samples were taken a month before calving as well as 2 weeks and 2 months after calving. Serum urea, ASAT and glucose were used as indicators of metabolic and energy balance. Glucose and ASAT concentrations were ...
This NebGuide describes feeding and management practices that allow the producer to control body condition throughout lactation and the dry period. Body condition score is a critical measure of a dairy feeding system's effectiveness. Adequate body fat reserves promote milk production, reproductive efficiency, and herd longevity. Excessively fat cow...
A conversão de áreas de florestas tropicais em pastagens pode levar a significativas consequências microclimáticas, fazendo-se necessário, para sua avaliação, modelar a micrometeorologia do dossel da floresta e da pastagem que substitui, considerando parametrizações que englobem adequadamente todos os processos relevantes. Assim, desenvolveu-se um ...