Magnant, D. Durvy, M. Payen de La Garanderie, H.
Nous avons calculé, à partir de données expérimentales sur les courants traversant une cellule électroluminescente, les valeurs instantanées de la « constante » diélectrique complexe. Les variations de celle-ci sur une période ont pu être mises en relation avec celles de la luminance et de la puissance absorbée, permettant d'envisager un bilan éner...
Verma, S. B. Rosenberg, N. J.
Verma, S. B. Rosenberg, N. J. Blad, B. L.
Brunet, A.
On considère un arc à cathode creuse fonctionnant avec un écoulement d'argon. On détermine la répartition de pression à l'intérieur de la cathode. La densité du plasma, la température électronique, le potentiel flottant et le potentiel plasma sont déduits de mesures effectuées au moyen de sondes électrostatiques. A partir de ces données on propose ...
Chaker, M. Nghiem, P. Bloyet, E. Leprince, Ph. Marec, J.
In this paper, we consider the case of a travelling surface wave sustaining a plasma column acting as the propagating medium. The axial electron density distribution is investigated and the energy balance of the electron gas is established. We have also determined the effective collision frequency for each experimental condition.
Kim, Joon Verma, Shashi
The Bowen ratio energy balance method has been widely used by many researchers to estimate the fluxes of water vapor and sensible heat between crops and atmosphere. The energy balance for the crop canopy can be expressed as Rn + G + H + LE + PS + M = 0 (1) where Rn is net radiation, G is soil surface heat flux, H is sensible heat flux and LE is lat...
Ridder, N.A. de Wagenaar, K.T.
Compares energy and crude protein balances of cattle in traditional and ranching systems in eastern Botswana. Considers animal gross energy produced per unit, productivity at different stocking rates, liveweight, biological efficiency and pasture degradation & drought. Shows calculations of gross energy and crude protein requirements for maintanina...
Gleizes, A. Razafinimanana, Manitra Vacquié, S.
We present measurements of the axial temperature To in an arc burning in SF6-N2 mixtures, as a function of current intensity I. The T - I curves with SF6 proportion in the mixture as a parameter intersect for a current value of about 50 A, corresponding to a temperature around 12 000 K. In addition, for currents above 50 A, the values of To in a 20...
Ropstad, E
Published in
Acta veterinaria Scandinavica
Granier, A. Gousset, G. Leprince, P. Marec, J.
Argon surface wave discharges, created at 210 MHz in capillary tubes have been studied at medium pressure, from 10 Torr to 200 Torr. Such discharges have been experimentally characterized ; the electron density profile along the plasma column, the effective electron neutral collision frequency v and the mean power needed to maintain an electron-ion...