Žorž Zaviršek, Til
V diplomskem delu sem s pomočjo programa Excel izračunal masno in energijsko bilanco v elektroobločni peči. S temi podatki sem izračunal porabo električne energije glede na količino dodanega direktno reduciranega železa (DRI). DRI, ki ga imenujemo tudi deviški vložek, se vse pogosteje uporablja v proizvodnji jekla, saj je količina nečistoč v njem z...
Butterworth, Brian J. Desai, Ankur R. Durden, David Kadum, Hawwa LaLuzerne, Danielle Mauder, Matthias Metzger, Stefan Paleri, Sreenath Wanner, Luise
Published in
Frontiers in Earth Science
Single point eddy covariance measurements of the Earth’s surface energy budget frequently identify an imbalance between available energy and turbulent heat fluxes. While this imbalance lacks a definitive explanation, it is nevertheless a persistent finding from single-site measurements; one with implications for atmospheric and ecosystem models. Th...
Lipson, Mathew J. Grimmond, Sue Best, Martin Abramowitz, Gab Coutts, Andrew Tapper, Nigel Baik, Jong Jin Beyers, Meiring Blunn, Lewis Boussetta, Souhail
Accurately predicting weather and climate in cities is critical for safeguarding human health and strengthening urban resilience. Multimodel evaluations can lead to model improvements; however, there have been no major intercomparisons of urban-focussed land surface models in over a decade. Here, in Phase 1 of the Urban-PLUMBER project, we evaluate...
Supik, Marek
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá možností využití vodíkových technologií ve spolupráci s fotovoltaikou za účelem sezónní akumulace energie. Dále se pak také práce zabývá problematikou využití vodíku v dopravním sektoru. Hlavní obsah spočívá v praktickém návrhu vodíkového hospodářství potřebného k výrobě, skladování a užití zeleného vodíku. Součástí n...
Zhang, Jiayu Kaiser, Elias Marcelis, Leo Vialet-Chabrand, Silvere
Image-based high-throughput phenotyping promises the rapid determination of functional traits in large plant populations. However, interpretation of some traits – such as those related to photosynthesis or transpiration rates – is only meaningful if the irradiance absorbed by the measured leaves is known, which can differ greatly between different ...
Kugler, Benjamin A Cao, Xin Wenger, Madi Franczak, Edziu McCoin, Colin S Von Schulze, Alex Morris, E Matthew Thyfault, John P
Published in
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology
High versus low aerobic capacity significantly impacts the risk for metabolic diseases. Rats selectively bred for high or low intrinsic aerobic capacity differently modify hepatic bile acid metabolism in response to high-fat diets (HFDs). Here we tested if a bile acid sequestrant would alter hepatic and whole body metabolism differently in rats wit...
Rouabhi, Younes Guo, Deng-Fu Zhao, Yuying Rahmouni, Kamal
Published in
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism
The BBSome is a protein complex composed of eight Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) proteins including BBS1. Humans and mice lacking a functional BBSome display obesity and type 2 diabetes, highlighting the importance of this protein complex for metabolic regulation. However, the contribution of the BBSome in insulin-sensitive tissues such as skeletal mu...
Singh, Vishal Mishra, Vishal
Published in
Critical reviews in biotechnology
Microalgae are the promising source of products having a low and high economic value that include feedstock and vitamin supplements. Presently, their cultivation is being carried out by using sunlight in the open raceway ponds. However, this process has disadvantages like fluctuations in irradiance of the sunlight due to climatic changes and bad we...
Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe Dirwai, Tinashe Lindel Taguta, C. Sikka, Alok Lautze, Jonathan
While there is a proliferation of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) to enhance agricultural water productivity (AWP) and related objectives such as food security, an assessment of their adoption and performance is not known to be undertaken. To develop new or improved DSTs for bespoke applications in optimizing AWP, there needs to be a stock-take of th...
Soliz-Rueda, Jorge R López-Fernández-Sobrino, Raúl Schellekens, Harriët Torres-Fuentes, Cristina Arola, Lluis Bravo, Francisca Isabel Muguerza, Begoña
Published in
Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)
Biological rhythms are endogenously generated natural cycles that act as pacemakers of different physiological mechanisms and homeostasis in the organism, and whose disruption increases metabolic risk. The circadian rhythm is not only reset by light but it is also regulated by behavioral cues such as timing of food intake. This study investigates w...