Perines Véliz, Haylen Vega López, Rodrigo Alejandro
The relevance of educational research in teacher training is a line of research that is part of the international debate. In the Ibero-American context, it has been gaining notoriety in recent years. The present work has a double objective. The first is to carry out an experience where some aspects of training in educational research are applied ba...
Umar Rincón Baez, William
Migration has been studied from an economic and geographical perspective, ignoring social factors such as education. Internal educational migration is a phenomenon driven by the search for better quality education and job opportunities. Internal educational migration has both individual and collective implications. Individually, students face socia...
Doura, María José Surber, Carolina Perco, Melina Coria, María Marta
El estudio de la inserción laboral de los graduados universitarios permite evaluar una dimensión crucial de la calidad de la educación superior. En este trabajo se analiza la inserción laboral de egresados universitarios, graduados entre los años 2014 y 2023 de carreras de tecnicatura dictadas en la Extensión Áulica San Martín de los Andes de la Fa...
Quispe, David Carcausto, Wilfredo Carazas, Washington
ABSTRACT Organizational culture encompasses the characteristics, beliefs and behaviors embedded within an organization. Organizational commitment, particularly in the university context, plays an essential role for educational institutions by promoting collaboration, strengthening values, policies and philosophies which affect organizational perfor...
Rojas Cadena, Cristina Michelle Ruiz Silva, Arianna Melissa Díaz Mosquera, Elena
Several studies have reported a link between emotional competencies and academicachievement in higher education, and about the need to implement strategies for young universitystudents to face educational demands. Along this line, the aim of this study was to explore thecharacteristics of emotional regulation that affect the academic performance of...
Ramírez Aristizabal, Beatriz Restrepo García, Paula Andrea
Objective: Thisarticleaims at identifyingthemaincontributions, gaps and trendsaround inclusive practices in highereducation. Methodology: A search in Scopus and theTreeofScience (ToS) algorithmwasconductedtoidentifyarticles in theroot, thetrunk and branches. Results:Theresultsshowedthreesubfields in thereviewofscientificproduction in relationto inc...
Molina Derteano, Pablo Giovine, Manuel Alejandro
This article presents a first description of the social space that makes up university institutions in Argentina (national, provincial and private universities and institutes), both in the private and public spheres. We work with official data from the Secretariat of University Policies (SPU) for the year 2020. This analysis of Bourdean coordinates...
Llobet Vallejos, Juan Pablo
Currently, various universities, institutes and research centers related to the arts, express their interest in Artistic Research, an approach that employs artistic practice as the main method of generating data, and whose results are exhibited both in the form of artistic productions as well as written communications of an academic nature. A diffi...
Gutiérrez Díaz, Adriana Saenger, Cony
This article contains an investigation´s progress in which we analyzed the university lecturers’ conceptions, about integral education and culture of peace. We consider that these concepts influence on their teaching process. Also, we identify that the emotional capabilities development is important to learn how we can solve conflicts and start bui...
Delgado Garza, José Federico Almanza Zurita, Juan Daniel Macías Villarreal, Julio César
Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico sobre la incorporación de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la Educación Universitaria, centrándose en su influencia sobre los métodos de enseñanza y el aprendizaje. La investigación empleó técnicas cienciométricas y utilizó la base de datos Dimensions para recopilar 698 publicaciones entre 2015 y 2024, siguien...