Rendón Arango, María Isabel Trebilcock, Enrique Flórez Alarcón, Luis Enrique
There were looked differences in mothers with congenital malformation children's in the use of distorted outlines in the information process (IP), refered to causes, prognostic and consequences on the event over the mother and the familiar group. Inventary of cognitive distortions was designed and applied in the case of a child born with congenital...
Florez, Eugenia Ospina, Gloria Valencia, Margarita
Este artículo pretende mostrar las huellas que quedan, en "La interpretación de los sueños", del proceso de elaboración de duelo en Sigmund Freud por la muerte de su padre. La lectura de esta magna obra se hizo paralela a la correspondencia que Freud sostuvo con Wilhelm Fliess, sobre el tema de los sueños, entre 1896 y 1899. Se hace un rastreo de l...
Yoffe, Laura
Western science, influenced by jewish and catholic traditions- put aside death and only considered it as the death of the physical body. The soul or human spirit was put aside and was only considered by western philosophy and religion. The discipline known today as “Palliative Care” has produced valuable research and has developed ways of treating ...
Ellis, Carolyn
This autoethnographic story shows the process of tending the graves of family members. In the past, the author reluctantly accompanied her mother on her visits to the family cemetery. Once there, she took on the role of distant observer as her mother took care of the family cemetery plots. When her mother becomes disabled, the author begins to arra...
Dulcey Cepeda, Andres
Se presenta una revisión de los protocolos de manejo para las entidades consideradas una emergencia psiquiátrica, apoyada en la medicina basada en la evidencia, enfocándola hacia las posibilidades reales de manejo por un médico general en niveles locales de atención.
Rodríguez Ibarra, Ana Carolina Ruiz Suárez, Rubi Yasmín Restrepo Forero, Martha
A four tasks-based program was designed, founded in the Cognitive Behavioral Model of Stress Inoculation and intervention on anticipatory grief. The program was applied to three bad prognosis patients and their families from the Oncology Service at Hospital de la Misericordia, in Bogota. Risk and protection factors and responses related to the prog...
Fernández-del Castillo, Carlos
The word �cancer� associates to a hopeless illness, although many cases are curable. Nobody escapes from pain, that reports ourselves that something is wrong in our body. With a �philosophic pragmatism� style that offer him his more than 40 years of professional exercise, doctor Fernández del Castillo analyzes the role of pain and suffering in the ...
Murrain Knudson, Elisabeth
A través de dos situaciones de enfrentamiento y manejo de la muerte, que han representado un momento crítico en mi vida, una como estudiante y la otra ahora como docente, he deseado compartir esta reflexión, con el propósito de recordar el profesionalismo que lleva implícito el abordaje de la agonía y la muerte en nuestro quehacer diario, pero tamb...
Murrain Knudson, Elisabeth
Due to the coupled situation of facing and managing a death which constitute a critical moment in someone else's life, one as a student and the other as faculty, both individuals wish to share this reflection with the purpose of reminding those involved, of the need for professionalism that is implicit in facing death as part of our daily work, but...
Figueroa Muñoz, Mario Bernardo
Starting from the fact, demonstrated by psychoanalysis, that we are affected by our memory; from the traumatic character that our memory takes in many occasions and considering the lack of effectiveness of forgetting as a protection mechanism, without going through the processed of re-remembering and writing the traumatic events; this text poses th...