Serna Cardona, Ángel Francisco Picazo Carranza, Alma Rosa Paniagua Ramírez, Silvia Jiménez Martínez, María del Carmen Santillás Morelos, José Guadalupe
Las pérdidas perinatales tienen un impacto en la vida de la madre, ocasionando un duelo perinatal que suele extenderse a la familia y que requiere apoyo de los profesionales de enfermería. Objetivo. Evaluar el duelo perinatal en mujeres residentes de Morelia, Michoacán, México. Estudio cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, observacional, descrip...
Mena Gutiérrez, Pumari Pérez Jara, Ana Francisca Espinoza Carrillo, Isidora Kessi Gutiérrez, Aranza Rueda Castro, Laura
Introduction: The loss of a loved one is constructed as an inevitable human experience, which generates an emotional experience that impacts both the individual experiencing the loss and his or her environment. Objective: To investigate the relationship between anticipated grief processes and alterations in the occupational participation of informa...
Díaz Facio Lince, Victoria Eugenia Ruiz Osorio, Mario Alberto
This study aimed to understand how mourning is represented in literary memoirs on disruptive losses marked by violence and to explore the role writing plays in the grieving process. Based on the interpretation of Sara Jaramillo Klinkert’s memoir How I Killed My Father, this article focuses on mourning after a homicide. The employed method was biogr...
Rodriguez Aguilera, Meztli Yoalli
Resumen: Geografías en duelo denomino aquellos espacios donde pérdidas humanas y no-humanas ocurren debido a diversas formas de violencia, y se tejen creando sentimientos de duelo. En este artículo, a partir del caso de posible ecocidio de las Lagunas de Chacahua, en la costa de Oaxaca, México, exploro cómo se experimenta racismo ambiental en el co...
García Vidal, Adrián
En este artículo describiré la superposición temática entre el viaje del héroe o monomito, enunciado por Joseph Campbell en The Hero With a Thousand Faces (1949), y las cinco etapas del duelo o modelo Kübler-Ross, descritas por Elisabeth Kübler-Ross en "On Death and Dying" (1969) y "On Grief and Grieving" (2005). Debido al impacto cultural de las d...
Trujillo Vargas, José J. Barroso Tristán, José María Fonseca Beltrán, Leodanis Romero Acosta, Kelly
The work that we present deals with a topic that is as exciting as it is little addressed at different educational levels. It is about death and how it can be worked from a didactic approach. Loss is something we deal with throughout our lives. The way of coping with losses and preparing for grief has to do with the culture in which we have been so...
Pentaris, Panagiotis
The world recently faced a new virus called Covid-19. This airborne virus emerged rapidly and spread across the world, causing a state of crisis for all nations, and forcing governments to impose restrictions with the aim of safeguarding public health. These restrictions primarily stipulated the need for physical distancing (often referred to as so...
Vicente Escudero, Jose Luis Sánchez Navarro, Belén
Sometimes, after the loss of a loved one, people can develop posttraumatic symptomatology, which web-based treatments can help to reduce. We conducted a meta-analy-sis of web-based online treatments for reducing PTSD and other symptomatology in people who have lost a loved one. Five databases were searched between 2010 and 2022. A manual search was...
Vilches Fernández, Esperanza
The proposal of this paper is that Seneca perceived his exile in Corsica as a trauma understood as a “living death”, which can be interpreted as a social death. This is demonstrated through the Kübler-Ross grief theory, insomuch as the texts traditionally dated at the exile offer proves that the Cordovan felt all the phases of lost: denial, anger, ...
Pavón Cuéllar, David
Moving into the space of tension and contradiction between philosophy and psychoanalysis, I reflect on the spectral way in which Marx and his legacy appear in the Lacanian Left. I explain this spectrality through the impossible mourning of Marxism. I bring in three authors who prescribe mourning here and ignore its impossibility: Özselçuk, Stavraka...