Zore Čop, Alenka
Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati prakso ESČP z vidika pozitivnih obveznosti držav podpisnic EKČP na področju nasilja v družini. Na podlagi teze je osrednja pozornost naloge usmerjena v ugotavljanje odnosa med posebnimi značilnostmi nasilja v družini in konkretnim ravnanjem državnih organov. Prvi in krajši tematski sklop je posvečen medpartnersk...
Yordanova, Katerina; 129869;
status: published
van Kalmthout, Danielle Romeo-Stuppy, Kelsey Huber, Laurent von Eichborn, Sonja Clément, Claire
Published in
Tobacco induced diseases
Climate change is no longer a problem of the future. Climate change is global, rapid, and intensifying. A reality. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlights the Anthropocene is behind the unprecedent rising temperatures, leading to extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, heavy precipitation, or tropic...
Berisha, Kaltrina Xhemajli, Kaltrina
Introduction Due diligence or “företagsbesiktning” as it is called in Swedish is an approach to collect and review information about a company's characteristics and risks prior to negotiation and decision on a significant business transaction regarding the acquisition object. A due diligence is often carried out in connection with company transfers...
Macchi, C.
EU Regulation 2017/821, bound to enter into force in early 2021, is the most recent legislative initiative aiming to sever the links between minerals trade, conflict dynamics and human rights abuses. The Regulation, which is meant to complement US legislation on conflict minerals, creates requirements for direct importers of 3TG in the EU and prelu...
Boos, Erik Wahlqvist, Ludwig Maman, Daniel
Det populära förfarandet fastighetspaketering som idag är branschnorm, innebär att det ägande bolaget överlåts och utseendet på transaktionsprocessen förändras. Förändringen innebär en utökad undersökningsprocess, i form av en Due Diligence. Due Diligence innebär vanligtvis en undersökning av fastighetens tekniska, ekonomiska och juridiska aspekter...
Martinelli, Aris
RésuméCet article propose une réflexion sur l’initiative « Entreprises responsables » sur laquelle les citoyens et citoyennes suisses ont voté le 29 novembre 2020. L’initiative demandait l’introduction d’une obligation pour les multinationales suisses de respecter les droits humains et les normes environnementales dans leurs filiales à l’étranger...
Iglesias Berlanga, Marta
The new wars associated with the third level, that is, with weak States immersed in armed conflicts, constitute a unique breeding ground for human traffickers, terrorist and criminals verbigracy, whose simplest objective are minors. The need to combine the fight against impunity of the perpetrators of this abominable human mercantilism and the need...
Colmegna, Pablo Damián
There are developments regarding the adoption of binding human rights norms for companies, although there are no international instances before which victims can make claims to hold them internationally responsible for their violation. Likewise, since the adoption of the Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, codifi...