The narrative review examines the current state of research on reading for pleasure and its relevance in education and personal development. By analysing 22 studies published over the past several years (2014–2022), the authors have sought to identify the key trends and areas of focus within this field. The selected articles have been coded and ana...
Capitalism has become so naturalised in recent decades that there seems to exist little to no alternative to it. Common acceptance of this social formation begs the basic question of how particular systems are legitimised. In this paper, I look at some legitimation mechanisms at play by focusing on the capitalist tendency to ideologically appropria...
Diplomsko delo raziskuje za slovenski prostor nenavadno obliko bivanjskega prostora – stanovanjske AB kooperative. Raziskuje jih z različnih vidikov: arhitekturno – urbanističnega, družbenega, ekonomskega, trajnostnega in demografskega vidika, ki vsak zase podaja svoje smernice k oblikovanju stanovanjskih kooperativ. S pridobljenim znanjem in po zg...
Magistrsko delo obravnava urejanje kmetijskih zemljišč, katerih funkcionalna učinkovitost, krajinska in ekološka pestrost ter zaznavna privlačnost so običajno razvrednotene zaradi načrtovanja in gradnje infrastrukturnih objektov, kot so avtoceste. Delo je sestavljeno iz dveh tematskih delov. V prvem delu smo se dela lotili teoretično in podrobneje ...